You think he’s sorry now? He will soon find his bullshit apologies that work so well with the press won’t cut it with the court. Not after what has been going on in other courts where his cohorts are facing hard time.
This is the typical lie loudly and apologize softly strategy that conservative (mis)information outlets have been using for years. Everyone hears the lie, but few are there to hear the correction.
This letter should be treated as acknowledgement of conscience wrongdoing and he should face consequences for it.
Reminds me of Kavanaugh’s apology to Klobuchar after his outburst about blacking out. Same bs entitled outrageous behavior, presumably some lawyer friends of his told him he crossed the line, but really he just showed his cards. Stone is like Kavanaugh on speed–and not just figuratively.
I would have loved to have been a fly on the for that conversation when Stone’s Lawyer told he’d better apologize to the judge post-haste or he was going to not have a lawyer.
Why a picture of the judge. Mueller sure, but the judge? It’s not the target per say it’s that it is the judge. Again, Mueller, sure. He’s the noted enemy now of Trump.
Is he apologizing because of the target or because it was a picture of the judge. This is ambiguous.
He’s wacked.
Stone posts grainy picture of the judge with a target cross hairs. Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink!!
Stone apologizes. Oh my, a grainy picture of my judge with cross-hairs, how could that have been misunderstood? Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink!!
Literally, a bully on a children’s playground.
His attorneys must have been apoplectic.
He claimed his intent had been misrepresented.
Bullshit. His intent was clear, with or without the crosshair and/or Aryan symbol, because his words accompanying the photo were just as or more inflammatory than the photo itself.
Also, just to be clear, his lawyers made him issue this apology.
If it had really been a random photograph and a random appearance of crosshairs, I don’t think his lawyers would have required him to do the apology.
Apology or not, he’s digging himself a deep hole.
He’s gotten away with this crap his whole life, so why not keep on keeping on? I hope he joins Manafort spending the rest o his life in jail.
that apology won’t save him
he’ll keep digging
This is very unusual according to Renato Mariotti.
And meanwhile, grown weary of arguing with the portrait of Andrew Jackson and losing the arguments…
Mueller is a Federal officer…
Good friggin’ lord, when will our long national nightmare end?
Not apoplectic enough. It is obvious to everybody else that Stone is lying in that apology