Discussion: Stone Claims That His Indictment Is Part Of ‘War On Alternative Media'

I don’t think he understands that his typical games are not going to help him here. Things are much different when you get into a courtroom. These investigator and prosecutors are among the best there are in the world. I’m sure he’s angling for a pardon but Trump will save those for his family or will be impeached by that time.


“There is a war on alternative media,” he told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. “There is a war where they are trying to criminalize political expression. There is a war where they are trying to criminalize free speech.”

This actually makes perfect sense. He was soliciting and getting help from the Russians, after all.They know all about criminalizing political expression and free speech.


The expression on Carlson’s face is well selected, but I presume that on the show he just agreed with Stone. (No, I don’t think I can bring myself to actually watch the clip.)


I don’t know about Tucker. I just read this:


Tucker back in his bow tie days … practicing and perfecting the look of serious concern, comprehension confusion, and chronic constipation.


A very interesting read. Perhaps he sees that our current path of inequity is unsustainable and he is just hoping for an outcome that does not involve him being walked to the guillotine.


That’s a pretty good guess about his motivation. hahahaha


There is a thin line extending from Roger Stone having ancillary involvement by getting the lists of those involved in the Elian Gonzalez imbroglio and riling up the crowd in Dade county during the Brooks brothers riot in 2000.
The indictment and visit from the FBI is just shear karma.


He was the mastermind behind the Brooks Brothers Riot, right?
Regardless, he enjoys the notoriety:

Stone, who wallows lasciviously in insults from his enemies the way other people do in bubble baths (his stonezone.com website lists three dozen or so as if they were glowing endorsements) is unconcerned.

: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article2766816.html#storylink=cpy


Huckabee Sanders and Stone have the same spirit.

When I was young, I used to see TV wrestlers do that.


I was just looking up Baron von Raschke yesterday and his infamous “claw”.

This guy is a goddamned laugh riot.

Fox is what real newspapers would refer to as “semi-official” media if they were talking about a dictatorship. Is Stone suggesting that Fox is ‘alternative media’?

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I recall watching roller derby on television when I was very young, with all of the beefy, violent, ass-kicking female skaters.
It is a sport which Sarah Huckabee Sanders was born for, especially with her nasty disposition, and, of course, her lovely unibrow and five o’clock shadow.

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Fox is to legitimate news what Laetrile is to legitimate cancer therapy.

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Moose Cholak!
He even had the GOP-Approved Donald Trump Memorial Man-Boobs!

Hey, Roger! Do the words “ten-to-twenty years” ever echo through the candy-colored canyons of your mind?


Tucker Carlson: A face only a priest at Covington Catholic could love.


“I want to shrink Roger Stone to a size so small I can drown him in a teaspoon full of water.” - Grover Knockwurst, Genius Economist


Alternative Prison. Is that where they send you when you lose the War on Alternative Facts…?

“Alternative”. The new keyword for “Anything but the facts, ma’am…”

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