Discussion: Stewart Slams Limbaugh's Hashtag Hate: #F@*KYOURUSH (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222703

I love Jon Stewart.


“I don’t often watch John; but when I do, I choose ‘Rush’. Stay outraged, my friend.”

Is it bad that I look forward to the day that I hear that Rush has had a fatal heart attack?


…or Rush, the quivering rage heap who is apparently desperately trying to extinguish any remaining molecule of humanity that might still reside in the Chernobyl-esque superfund cleanup site that was his soul."

That would normally leave a mark, but I doubt Rush can feel much any more.


He has no heart–he is a right-wing Republican after all. No, he will die of rectal cancer–of the mouth.


How many Haitian boys has Pigboy bought, to bust his putrid nut? What’s buried on that vast Florida estate? A fair question.


Limbo contributes nothing to the conversation, but it’s interesting, to say the least, that left wing people including Stewart, Fallon, Letterman etc seem to dominate late night TV while the right wing screamers are not on TV (except for Faux) but are mostly on the radio which is fine with me.

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I never ever wish or look forward to a person’s death…except for Rush. He’s a massive piece of shit.

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Wanda Sykes beat you to it. She wished Rush kidney failure.

I too have never wished anyone dead, but there are some obituaries that I look forward to reading with gleeful anticipation.


I find it hilarious that Rush believes he has the moral authority to mock a 16 year old girl who, when 14, took a bullet to the head on a school bus, in defiance of the local bloodthirsty tyrants who don’t accept the idea of education for women. Rush tries to deride the expression of solidarity that she, along with many others around the world, has displayed via social media for hundreds of other young girls in trouble.

Does Limbaugh really think he can measure up to someone as brave and inspiring as Malala Yousafzai? Has he earned the right to mock ANYTHING that girl does?

Who the fuck does he think he is, other than an over-privileged, corpulent, money-hoarding piece of shit? If he ever had to stare down the danger that Malala faces every day of her life, he would evacuate his bowels in a nanosecond.


There are many times that I question whether or not someone is truly despicable, as Rush seems to be, or just profiting from the the ultra conservative base that appeals to him. Republicans seems to have no issue profiting from the vile crap that they spew. To think that he actually believes what he is saying is pure lunacy at best. Which is it? Either way, the Republican Party is dead. The Party is surrounded by lunacy.

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Thank you Jon.


I don’t use Facebook, twitter or cell phones but please consider my vote to be for you and against Limbaugh. If I could tweet to that hashtag I would.

The republican party has been dead since Eisenhower left office.

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I would include Ann Coulter.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the American Electorate!

Its bad that he hasn’t had one yet. I wish he was raped and fisted to death on his next trip to the dominican republic.