Discussion: Stewart Rips McConnell For Saying GOP Congress Already Fixed America (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #231820

Well if the Democrats won’t stand up and claim credit for it, the GOP will by default.


I remember sometime after Clinton got the economy on its terrific run after the Repukes tanked it (again), our ‘libural’ media brought on swollen amphibian and aficionado of the blow job, Newt Gingrich, to explain why.

Said the amphibian: “Well, what he’s (Clinton) been doing is following Reagan’s plan…”

Reich-Wingnuttery can never fail. It can only be failed. After I stopped screaming I turned to drink.

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Yes the Dem’s were a bunch of wimps didn’t see progress when it was happening ran away from the President and got their asses kicked HAAAAA

They saw the progress, but were too timid to follow their egos and take credit for it.

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Not even the mcturdle believes his screed but he is counting on the the dems not speaking out to call him out and the media letting him lie.,…It is the repub bagger echo chamber…Call the idiot liars out …loudly and often!

1,866.338.1015 or 1.866.220.0044

Well some are pushing back, but clearly not enough.



The Republicans attributed the economy’s collapse in 2008 to the election of Barrack Obama even though the collapse began in 2007. So of COURSE they’ll attribute the economic recovery to McConnell’s crowd taking control of the Senate even though the recovery has been underway for five years. Republicans are experts at magical thinking.

Maybe they can use “dynamic scoring” when they count the votes to override the numerous vetoes that Obama is likely to make.


Well, it seems to work out well for them. Why? Because Dems are such shrinking violets!

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Politifact also called McConnell out on his outrageous mendacity—saying flat out that his claim was a lie.


Politifact. Oh! At first I thought you wrote “POLITICO.” Oh, well. I can dream, can’t I?


And as usual the news media dutifully reported what McConnell said, and mostly likely followed it with a chart showing the improvement in the economy. A perfect example of why so many Americans are misinformed.

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Largely in part because the media never confronts them even on outrageous claims like the one from Mitch yesterday. In fact, the media will call it even and say to GOPer guest: “Some say the recovery is due to the GOP. How about that, Mitch/GOPer guest? Isn’t that awesome?”.