Discussion for article #237013
“Stewart was amazed that after seven years, John McCain still sets himself up for Palin jokes.”
I guess he (McCain) refuses to believe people are laughing at him and not with him.
At one early point in 2002 or 2003, glad-handing McCain speculated that the war in Iraq should take about 3 weeks, not much longer. That was some 12 years ago.
And he’s shocked for people to not agree with him?
McCain didn’t have to stoop too far to pick Palin–he was already pretty low down to start with. The man is nothing short of contemptible, and that was true long before he elevated a brainless bimbo to be a vice-presidential candidate.
It’s called “arrogance”, “self-deception”, “entitled”, “delusional”. This dying coward needs to go away. Like Obama, he humiliates himself every time he opens his mouth.
It may not have made a difference in the outcome, but it can be said that McCain did us all a favor by picking Palin.
Like much of Washington the NSA Patriot Act program is never examined to see if it is really working as intended. Is America really safer if some super computers in Maryland churn through all of our calls? Just what does the metadata program tell us that makes us safer? How does what apparently little we gain from the program outweigh our hard won 4th Amendment rights? It seems to be little more than another government boondoggle designed to keep some folks in Virginia employed.
Picking Palin sank McCain’s campaign.
And how is Palin a favor to us. There are already the Kardashians, who needs two sets?
Be stoopid like McCain?
I’m going to miss Stewart’s impression of Lindsay Graham, especially now that’s he’s running.
Sarah Palin: The Joke that keeps on giving.
The obvious takeaway is how much these assholes live in constant denial.
I think they’re more like WWE villains. I think the industry term is heel. They really believe their bullshit, and then become indignant when someone calls them on it. Or, they completely ignore it and move on as impervious as ever. I believe Bill Maher refers to it as “The Bubble”. How do you reason with people like that?
Obama was an unstoppable juggernaut in '08. I don’t think re-animating their fraudulent idol, Ronald Reagan would have stopped him. What Palin did do, was take a respectable man like McCain (at the time) and made him a punch line. A moniker he hasn’t even tried to shake since. That’s what the Christian Evangelicals, AKA the Tea Baggers, do. They make centrist Republicans sell their soul, what little there is of it, and go wayyy right! They have to if they want any chance to win the nomination. A centrist Repub, like Olympia Snowe for example, wouldn’t stand a chance in today’s GOP. I wonder why she, and other centrists like her, don’t just pull a Specter and turn blue. They are more “Blue Dog” democrat today, then they are Republican.
Sure it works - just ask the guys who are getting paid to do the work! In fact, it’ll work even better is you send us more money!
What people fail to realize, jony mc, IS palin. Just an old, male version of the same grifter. But the same none-the-less.
John should change his name to mcPalin…
$he is his legacy.
The repig party actually forced Johnnie to leave the konvention in St. Paul and go to the airport to greet a dignitary arriving on a private jet.
The “Next President of the United States” interrupted his important duties to welcome…Levi Johnston.
Even Johnnie couldn’t hide his revulsion and humiliation.
Every repig everywhere wants the Talibunny to be President. Don’t kid yourself. Think of Nixon in 1963. And how he screwed the world when he got elected.