Discussion for article #238093
Funny how someone who is deeply religious and against gay marriage (Scalia) isn’t somehow biased and doesn’t need to recuse themselves…
so, rep. king (R-Stupid) will be right on top of pushing for justice thomas’ impeachment, for failing to recuse himself from the King v Burwell case. oh, that’s right, he won’t be. well IA, you voted for him, you’re stuck with him. unfortunately, so are the rest of us.
Here’s how much King loves his country!
Other men from Iowa went to Vietnam while King was conniving how not to get drafted!
Ok, so Steve King’s state of Iowa has had legal SSM for several years. There are still churches left in Iowa? I though The Gays would have persecuted them out of existence by now. What happened?
Why wouldn’t Thomas and some of the others have to recuse themselves from ACA trials given Thomas’s wife campaigned against it? I mean there are all sorts of conflicts that go on all of the time.
Attacking two of the liberal justices on an issue you do not like is purely political theater.
Thomas officiated at thRush Limpballs’ wedding. Shouldn’t Thomas have recused himself?
When you are as much of a fuck up as Steve King, scapegoating is a way of life.
Steven King will be in a deep frothy cesspool of santorum with his god/goddess/supreme force if it ends up he/she/it actually willed the gay marriage decision the way it turned out.
Episcopal Church’s response to the ruling?
Not just approved, but approved in a landslide vote: 173-27 in the House of Deputies,
I think you should go for it little man.
King is a weasel.
I think someone handed out pocket dictionaries to the republican party and it only holds one word, impeach!
“They will not stop until they can force a priest to conduct a same-sex marriage at the altar of a Catholic church,” he said.
A little look see into the crystal ball that King gets his information from –
There is no “conflict of interest” here and no need for them to recuse themselves. Justices aren’t forbidden from having personal opinions.
I love that Ted Cruz has a brilliant idea to make judges more accountable to the public by holding elections…all because of a decision they made that basically matches where public opinion is.
King’s district in Iowa is backward it seems. His attitude won’t fly in the rest of the country.
Former President George H. W. and his wife Barbara were the legal witnesses at the wedding of a lesbian couple they know in Kennebunkport. Will King attempt an ex post facto impeachment of President Bush?
I sure as hell didn’t expect one of the nuttiest of wingnuts to respond any differently.
I have to wonder if people looking back on this part of our history will see it not as a conflict in political philosophy nearly as much as a simple division between people willing to be serious and people who make their way in the world solely with grandstanding and loudmouthery, never compromising or dealing with reality, playing to the peanut gallery at all times, constantly suggesting things they know are ridiculous and couldn’t possibly work in practice.