Getting himself prepared for a blowout of epic proportions, I see.
Well. That’s surprising.
Steve’s walking the tight rope . . Not good for the " un-balanced " —
WTF…I need to lay down now.
The GOP is rapidly reaching Daniel 5 status.
But who will tell the base?
That’s a real feather in her cap, right there.
Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore
I just got back up from fainting.
Shorter King: She is white, isn’t she?
“Hillary has the proper skin color. She looks just like my neighbors back here in Iowa. That’s somebody I can work with. Not like that other guy in the White House now.”
Yep. When I read the headline, I had to catch my chin before it hit the floor, but then realized it was even better than I thought.
Wow, are they actually getting tired of 8 years of not doing their jobs?
But can she work with you, Stevie, while holding her nose and with her eyes shut.
These guys act like they never read the job description before applying for the job.
I do so hope President Clinton does not have to “work with” this ignoramus. He’s just another garden-variety bigot who has been sent to Congress. He’s in good company there, but one can wish that that will change soon.
I would not be writing this if the defibulator hadn’t worked.
Is King a weathervane ? interesting …
Maybe Trump doesn’t like dogfighting ? That would surprise me…
Perhaps the 2 Corinthians?
Only Nixon could go to China first, right?