Discussion: Stephen Moore Promises Not To Be A Trump ‘Sycophant’ If He Gets On The Fed

Any nominee/appointee of the abomination is automatically lacking in credibility. He’s probably already signed his loyalty oath and NDA.


And I promise to stop being the low rent Supply Side Trickle Down Clown and Dweeb that I have been my entire adult life, which has given me notoriety beyond my wildest dreams and six figure salaries for entire decades. For a guy who only has an MA in Economics. I promise. You can trust me. Believe me.


“I said these things that I do regret saying, because I think Powell’s doing the best job that he can,” he continued. “Do I regret the rhetoric that I used? Yes. Was I right? Yes.”

Uh huh. And when the hearings turn into a sh*tshow, he’ll withdraw his name from consideration and once again call for Powell to step down.


Oh for God’s sake…this is not in the LEAST bit reassuring OR believable. You have been a toady your entire life. What’s going to change NOW???


Yeah, right. He’s “not going to be a sycophant” the same way Barr was “going to be open and fair” on the Mueller stuff…


Every single one of his appointees have said they would stick to their principles and then they don’t.


You forgot to say MAGA.


OK, he won’t be a sycophant. But how is he going to get un-stupid?


Boy, that must have been very difficult to say with Trump’s dick in his mouth.

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Like any good conservative Moore has no doubt read Murray Rothbard’s pamphlet on the gold standard - so he knows better that all those pointy headed professorial dweebs with their Phd’s from a liberal universities.


This was beside the point of all criticisms I read. I only saw that he literally did not know his a$$hole from a hole in the ground, not that he had leeched onto one.

Stephen Moore will be just like William Barr:

Trump ordered Barr to shut down Mueller…just as Mueller was preparing to subpoena Trump Jr. Ivanka, and Jared Kushner 4 weeks ago. Mueller met with Barr to discuss these subpoenas and his need to also subpoena Trump. Instead of getting the subpoenas, Barr shocked Mueller and ordered him to shut it down and write his report.

Mueller would never have left things like Roger Stone still to be tried and several other incomplete matters…such as obstruction

Stephen Moore is not a trained economist and has only been a Republican hit man in DC…putting him on the Fed would be worse than Barr as Attorney General.

Mueller was NOT finished!


He will not be a Trump “sycophant”, but he doesn’t say anything about not being a Trump Fluffer.


I thought being a sycophant was his SOLE qualification. He thinks he got offered the spot based on his knowledge of economics?


“***Moore has drawn fire from a wide range of economists who see him as comically unqualified for the job.***”

Not funny.


“comically unqualified for the job”…this would be enough for most stable geniuses to give pause… wrong way Donnie? Full speed ahead!

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All someone has to do at the Senate hearings is put together a loop of his many, many appearances on TV saying things that were totally wrong and/or predictions that turned out to be totally wrong. Thems the facts. On top of that showing him speaking will help reveal his character. This is not somebody who made mistakes when they were young, this is a guy who knows very little about economics. One can belittle people with a PhD, but these are people who busted their asses studying (except for the genius lucky few), something that we need in our doctors, and other professions such as those on the Fed. Knowledge and expertise counts.


Just another Fox guarding the henhouse.

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Moore is totally, totally incompetent for this job. Not qualified in the least bit. The Fed has always been treated nonpolitically even by the Bushes. We are entering danger territory.

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