Discussion: Stephen Colbert Thanks The Nazis For Making Congress Work (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #230795

I knew some good would finally come of The Third Reich.
(Somewhere, Mike Godwin is facepalming.)


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Is this a little late in coming? I mean, how many Nazis could be left that were receiving SS benefits? 3?

Update: Looks like the do-nothing congress might have saved us tax payers almost $1M dollars!

As of 1999, 28 suspected Nazi war criminals kicked out of the United States received $1.5 million in Social Security benefits, reported The Associated Press.

Wow…budget crisis solved! And it only took congress over 60 years to figure out this was a bad thing!

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The other good thing to come out of that was my mother…in one piece.

After all the great work with the CIA, CBS and NASA, it’s time goose-step met lock-step…