Discussion for article #226140
Uppity Xians deserve what they get…
Imagine suckin’ up to Jesus like that.!
What is this obsession of equating a medical degree with political acumen? The last person in the class is called Dr. and in the case of politics if they can’t they either go to Fox News or run for Congress. M.D. or Dr. does not a “god” make.
I don’t have data, but I suspect there’s a goodly segment of society that regards these Good Samaritan deeds as the work of suckers.
Going way back to Katrina, members of fire and rescue depts from all over the US went to NO to help. One was a family friend who is an officer in a large US urban fire dept. He went with a group of colleagues, was there for several weeks.
When I mentioned this to a cousin who served on another fire dept, he told me that he and his colleagues regarded these volunteers as “suckers” – his words.
Not everyone is in a position to run off and help in these disasters – I certainly can’t – but to display such cynicism toward those who do is quite disturbing.
I think fox and their hate radio colleagues are strategically ginning up hard-heartedness as a last ditch effort to forestall progressive change in the country ~ progressive taxation, better funding for arts and sciences, better oversight of financial institutions, racial and sexual equality, etc. This is all part of the conservative propaganda machine.
I think its less ginning it up, and more just playing to what is already there. Remember the 2012 republican primary debates…these are some very heartless people.
Good observation: Lay the attitudinal groundwork for a political agenda. Legitimize indifference to suffering.
The phrase “bleeding hearts” has been around for as long as I can recall.
I think this denial of Medicaid to the poor in these mostly former Confederate states is a form of genocide, though I seem to be the only person in the universe who has belled that cat.
It’s the word no one dare utter in America. “Genocide? No, that’s for Nazis and tyrants in other worlds across the sea and out of sight.”
The funny thing is useful idiot Ben Carson thinks he is beloved in the Fox News/teabagger/GOP universe, but can you just imagine the words that are dropped about him when he’s not in the room? And I doubt they include, “I’d like him to move next door to me and marry my daughter.”
I agree with the underlying idea of what you’re saying—that denial is a form of oppression that gets people killed. But “genocide” is a highly charged word and I’d hesitate to use it for anything but the strict denotation. Lots of things are broadly harmful to a particular class of people or to people in general, but you can describe them in forceful, vivid ways without using that word and risking an argument about it that derails any discussion of your underlying point. Just my $.02.
The parable of the Good Samaritan is apt. A man in need is on the side of the road. Two high priests just walked past. Then a Samaritan came along and helped. Jesus was pointing out the priests’ indifference to suffering. It’s hard not to notice He was talking about Donald Trump.
Yes, disturbing. And very, very sad. Helping other people isn’t just good for the people being helped. It’s good for the helpers too.
True story: My conservative dick older brother is [very] concerned about getting Ebola and the flesh eating virus… but not about his cholesterol, sugar intake or overweight.
Just a guess, but I’d bet he watches a fair bit of TV. : )
Tell him that you’ve heard that flesh-eating virus really go for the rolly-polly. They like that marbled meat.
Now I understand the results on this poll from our local (San Diego) TV station. I should have guessed Fox was pumping the fear all day, every day on this subject.
*Q. Are you worried about bringing patients with Ebola into the United States?
*Thank you for participating in our poll. Here are the results so far:
Yes, it’s a highly-contagious deadly disease that we don’t know enough about 60%
No, they are being treated under strict conditions to keep the virus from spreading 40%