Discussion for article #225441
This is what you call “Proof of Concept”…
Stan Veuger, of the American Enterprise Institute, warned that six months of data isn’t enough information with which to draw conclusions.
AEI has been perfectly willing to jump to less credible conclusions (When it aligns with their beliefs) with, like, six seconds worth of data. See also “Death Spiral, ACA”.
Is he willing to go on record regarding what would constitute credible data?
Or does he want to preserve wiggle room in case the data still goes against him?
Patiently waiting for Sam Brownback’s reaction.
Oh Dear, another fact that contrasts with Fox News’ world view. I’m sure the bubble headed bleach blonde brigade will be all over this news like fish on a bicycle.
Yep. Fox said this is a distraction from Benghazi.
OMG, can someone ring the house car-elevator phone and alert Mittens?
Actually, Mitt is busy traveling overseas, visiting his money.
Weird. It’s almost as if the Tory Scum need our labor to facilitate their lives of luxury. And here I was actually believing them when they said the would just take their ball and go home. Silly me.
GOP who oppose the minimum wage are job killers.
That’s faster job growth at a better wage. Shouldn’t skip over the main fact. Wages are going up per Obama’s direction and at least two good things are coming from it.
If you throw out North Dakota (as an extreme outlier that has everything to do with NO one earning minimum wage due to shortage of labor) the stats are that much more impressive.
It makes perfect sense. When people have more money to spent the economy picks up.
Even with the proof staring them right in the face we are still going to have to listen to idiot GOP talking points about how this is bad.
you have to ask?!? these are the same basic morons that loved insurance marketplaces until a liberal democrat proposed implementing them. wiggle room is an understatement.
I’m sure he’ll admit he was wrong publicly and call on all Kansans to share the sacrifice required to turn the state around.
Just kidding – he’ll blame Obama, the poor and sharia law, then he’ll cut taxes for his rich friends again.
There’s no mystery here. Minimum wage earners rarely are in a position to put money into savings or investments. Rather, they must needs use the money to pay rent, buy food, buy fuel, buy clothing … if they get a raise, they buy more food, buy more fuel, buy more clothing, maybe go to a movie.
Now multiply that marginal economic activity by thousands, or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of minimum wage earners, and you see a major economic stimulus. Landlords invest in improvements, grocers hire more workers because of increased demand, the fuel station or utility can hire more workers to meet increased demand, likewise the clothing store.
When you increase the money available to the poor, you know that it will multiply itself by being spent, and respent by the recipients. Economists suggest a multiplier effect of about 5.
No mystery.
It’s almost like Nancy Pelosi was right when she said unemployment insurance was the best stimulus in the crash.
It’s true that the data doesn’t definitively prove that raising the minimum wage causes job growth, but it does prove that it doesn’t cause companies to stop hiring. Isn’t that the conservative mantra?
Oh no! it’ll kill jobs, this is the media fail as they’re complicit in pushing the Republican / Corporate narrative