This. When I got to the end of this story –
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), in a floor speech last week, called on his colleagues to get it done.
“Partisan objections forced Congress to settle for a short-term patch,” he said. “This month, we can set this right. I know that colleagues on both sides of the aisle are eager to find a long-term solution. Five years, full reauthorization. Let’s get this done for working families.”
– I almost gagged in my fury. Those “partisan objections” were Democrats’ refusal to fund CHIP by taking funds from other health-care programs as Mitch and his party were demanding. No need to pay for corporate and mega-wealthy tax cuts, but sick kids must be held hostage until they can take necessary care from other sick people. It’s the GOP’s hideous, greed-fueled ideology that’s truly sick. Not enough words in my vocabulary to accurately describe these fucking evil sociopaths.