Discussion: State Sen Tweets 'F--K You' At Missouri Gov Over Ferguson Response

I remember this incidences quite well. But so glad you are suggesting Sat Sen. Nadal should follow in the mold of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush as the way to do things and work with others to solve problems and crisis situations.

My retort was directed at littlegirlblue, you probably couldn’t tell from up there on your high horse.

Gee, I put my shirt on this morning, and now the Gov. is ordering the State Police to take over in Ferguson MO. Good thing I put my shirt on. And I am sure that the Gov. and everyone else at the state and Federal level will be falling all over themselves to work with Ms., Nadal long-term to help address the myriad underlying issues that brought this (and other communities) to where they are today.

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Oh dear, well I guess your comments are sacrosanct and above response from others in an open public forum. But perhaps I don’t understand that because of how rare the air is up here on my high horse.

And to be clear, I get and actually endorse her anger. But this is simply a stupid move on her part.

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Because they were working with anyone who actually represents this area before? For Christ’s sake, one of her twitters literally called him out for never communicating. How much worse do you think this makes things for their working relationship that doesn’t exist.


We can debate her language ad naseum, and certainly it’s not what many would expect from an elected official, but I think there is something else at work here.

For three full days the Governor has been completely missing in action. A city in his state is tearing itself apart, and he’s apparently out at the concession stand buying popcorn and a coke. I can just hear George W claiming “You’re doin’ a great job, Nixy.”

The fact is that aside from the initial murder, this whole mess is a result of really poor leadership. The police chief made no effort to get ahead of the mess, but apparently he doesn’t have much significant contact with the black community in the first place. The Mayor didn’t do or say much either. They refused to even talk about releasing the name of the officer involved, and then backed off doing what they said they would do. The investigators haven’t made any effort to interview the witness who was right there during the whole crime. Why?

In short, the people are left to react based upon their perceptions, and their perception is that nobody is doing anything other than acting like everyone who asks a question is a criminal. Yes, there are certainly some in the crowd who are taking advantage of the situation to loot and riot, but that’s not the main group. Those two reporters who were arrested inside McDonald’s weren’t doing anything remotely illegal…unless the police just don’t like having their goon-squad tactics made public.

Her language might not have been appropriate, but sometimes you have to hit somebody upside the head with a Really Big Stick just to get their attention. I think this was one of those times, and I’m still not remotely convinced the Governor got the message.


Oh my yes, how uncivil of her, excuse me while I clutch my pearls and head for the fainting couch.

Oh and that crappola about profanity, weak mind and all that is something that those who have never had to deal in the REAL world use to cover their social immaturity. Profanity: EVERYONE uses it at one point or another. Get over it.


Yes, I think you’ve nailed Lord Fauntleroy.

I actually agree with much of what you stated. As I stated elsewhere in this thread, I “get” her anger. But her tweeting off like this will work against trying what I bee live in good faith she is trying to accomplish.

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Well I shall endeavor to not speak above my station since your comments in a an open forum are untouchable.

How ironic.

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This place was built on fainting couches and smelling salts, and you know how a soy milk latte stains a divan.

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You mad bro?

Just wanted to say this was an excellent post.

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Nope. Amused.

You don’t ‘get her anger’ if your concern is her damaging their working relationship. Simple as that.


Good for her, its so refreshing to hear a politician speak like a regular person. For the record, all you puritans getting a case of the vapors over this are in the minority. You all need to get out more, really.


Actually I do get it. Quite well. I also get how she accomplished nothing with her outburst short or long-term other than venting.

Once again, you display your curious knack for taking what I said and twisting it into something else completely.

My post was about the inherent sexism and racism in the different levels of outrage that the media gives different actors, but that seems to have sailed clear over your head.

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Has nothing to due with being a “puritan” from me at least. I cuss like a sailor. I am also not an elected official who has to work at problem solving with the people she just tee-ed off on via Twitter.