Discussion: State Parties Trying To Make It Harder For Trump To Get On GOP Primary Ballot

What do you expect? The GOP really doesn’t like democracy.


I’m sorry, were you really exhorting the GOP to abandon their last 20+ years of “strategy” and try to embrace reality? I think you might be almost more deluded than they! :innocent:

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The country would be in much better shape if there was a sane GOP instead of Tea Party utopia.


I know the show you mean, and I don’t know. When I see that she’s hosting something, I usually avoid it like the plague. For example, I love the show 30 Rock. She once made a quick appearance on one of the episodes…I still haven’t made it past her scene of that one ep. She could be the nicest person alive…but she just annoys the hell out of me! HAHA!


you knew she jumped the shark when she started pushing her own brand of pet food… the only true thing in her latest pet food commercial is the cat pushing the bowl off the counter at the end…


Either way, the good guys win the election.

Back in the early 1980s the Florida D’s wanted to do that for state-wide elective offices. They were told by the state AG that the state party lacked the legislative and constitutional authority to do so.

By that logic, the legality of such a measure for the presidency would be based on federal law and the US Constitution. And that doesn’t exist. No one can force a person to back a particular candidate or prevent him/her from launching a bid, provided the age and citizen requirements are met.


Are “pledges” enforceable?

Is it like my pledge to Public Television where Big Bird comes to get me if I don’t send in the money?

Is it a serious pledge like that?


His greatness cannot be restrained, he must appear on every state ballot or they’re just “losers.”

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Don’t hold your breath.

Trump held up a mirror . . . . .they don’t like what they see. They want to paint the mirror white. (I know, but black didn’t seem appropriate.)

Donald will just have to send a few of his associates to make them a deal they can’t refuse.

Suddenly, the Republican Party is aghast at what they’ve spawned. Face it, guys – Trump is the logical conclusion of the path embarked on by Barry Goldwater so long ago: “Extremism in the pursuit of virtue is no vice.”


Yea, wonder how rules can change in the middle of a race, if they are so dead set against a candidate why hold a primary at all, why not just save the money for the general elections and just crown the party bosses selection.

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Agree, corrosion is the least problem with a pledge such as this.

Donald Trump sign a Loyalty Oath?
That will certainly make him monogamous.


A state political party can make up pretty much whatever rules it wants concerning how they choose their candidate. It’s entirely a party matter. So I would see no worthy legal challenge coming.

I mean, look at Kentucky. Paul is literally bribing the state party…publicly mind you…to move the primary and make it a caucus, just so he can have a chance to run for President and the Senate, despite state laws preventing a candidate from being on two ballots simultaneously. They are changing EVERYTHING with how the state chooses its candidates there, for the price of a little over half a million dollars.


I smell the whiff of another Donald Harumph lawsuit being threatened. Something along the lines of changing the rules in mid-stream perhaps?
No one outflanks The Donald…

Sue them Donald. Those 20, 30, or was it 40,000 adoring crowds in Alabammy will thank you.

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Wait, what? You mean if I don’t make good on the pledge, I get to meet Big Bird??

Hmm…I have a check I need to cancel. :smile:


Yea, that recalled multiple times pet food…

When she first hit the national scene I lived in the Albany, NY area and she was a local “celeb” for years. Even then could not understand the fascination as what she was doing was based very common practices. At that time everything was based on her grocery store sponsors weekly ad.

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