Discussion: State Of Emergency Declared In Missouri As Floods Force Evacuations

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Trump has every right to declare an Emergency!!

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So the red state farmers who voted for Trump are losing their harvested soybeans, that they couldn’t sell to China because of Donnie’s tariffs, to flooding of grain storage bins, and will be significantly delayed in 2019 planting, all due to climate change that Donnie says is fake.

How’s that working out for you, folks? Did your Trump brand paper towels arrive yet?

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Near Future Trump in MO - “I think the floods were caused by lots and lots of beautiful water. Farmers need water that’s usually wet. But not this much water which causing flooding and that’s bad. Flooding is somethimes not good. And there was no collusion.”


Jackson Browne - Before the Deluge

Before the Deluge

Stevie Ray Vaughn - Texas Flood

Texas Flood

All because of;


One of the critical water treatment plants is operated by Independence, Missouri and it located on the flood plain less than a mile from the river. At its center is a collection of wells that provides drinking water to much of eastern Jackson County Missouri (a large hunk of Kansas City.) I think there are similar but private plants supplying water to the rest of Kansas City, Missouri and St. Joseph, Missouri. That is why water treatment plants were mentioned specifically.


California forests burning because they are letting too much of their water go! That and not enough raking.

Missouri is flooding because they are holding onto too much of their water! Also too much raking!


No money for the fires in California? No money for the floods in Puerto Rico? No money for the floods in the Show Me State.

Maybe they weren’t praying hard enough. Send Donald down there to sign their Bibles. And make sure he brings plenty of paper towels, too.

And am I being cruel to the idiot farmers in Missouri who honestly believed that Fat Ass or any other Republican was going to be better for them than a Democrat? You bet I am!


So does taxpayer-funded disaster recovery money pay for all of that at full price?


Haha…that’s the first image that came to mind for me but you beat me to it lol


“Climate change? It’s a hoax! Fake news!”

“Cletus, did I just see your pickup floating by?”

“It’s fake I tell you, fake!”

“Uh…Cletus? You’re home’s underwater because of historic flooding.”

“Historic? Not enough data! Tide goes in, tide goes out, can you explain it?”



Thoughts and Prayers!


So when is fat ass going to the flooded states to complain about McCain?


Don’t forget the migrant chicks in blue duct-tape!


“Members of the Nebraska Army National Guard used a helicopter Wednesday to drop 10 round hay bales to stranded cattle in various spots near Richland, which is about 80 miles west of Omaha.”

I’m sick and tired of these lazy, shiftless, uppity red-staters living off Uncle Sugar’s dime!

Why are hardworking Americans subsidizing their inter-generational cycle of White dependency?

They just sit around on their rural butts all day, watching Fox and listening to Country-Western boom boxes!

Why can’t they pull themselves up by their own bootstraps?


Here’s your emergency

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it will work out for them - at our expense. many poor souls (not saying that sarcastically) don’t have flood insurance, but all farmers have crop insurance


They probably arranged the flooding on purpose, so that their soybeans that don’t have any buyers don’t get written off, but paid out by insurance.

Generally true, but my understanding is that crop insurance only covers damage to crops in the field, not those already harvested and in storage, so there are some farmers who are going to lose bigly.