Discussion: State Dept. Spox: ‘Unaware’ Mexican Official Was Meeting With Kushner

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The number of things that this administration seems not to know just keeps piling up, doesn’t it? Perhaps we need a new cabinet position - Secretary of Knowing Things.


I wonder if Rex Tillerson appreciates being left out of the loop. Tillerson will rue the day he ever went to work for Trump. He will be constantly undermined.


No press allowed for Tillerson, as the Son-in-Law in chief meddles.


Yeah, he’s smarter than Trump and Bannon knows it!


Kushner: I was raped.


The governments of every medium-to-large economy on earth know exactly how to deal with corrupt autocrats. Bypass the bureaucracy and go straight to the ruling family with bribes.

They’re all running that playbook on us now because that’s what we’ve made ourselves.


We have the most dysfunctional Administration in modern history, partly because so many jobs are unfilled. You can’t work for Dear Leader until you join the cult of worship.

It seems we’re more like North Korea every day, in fact, already on the road to being a pariah among other countries.


Trump: Why do we have State Dept? Why cant we meet at Trump Towers with all these States? Where is Bannon?


This is all going SO well right now.

Expertise at the State Department has been sent packing and the remaining staff are wandering the halls crying or filling out resumes.

Meanwhile our erstwhile “Secretary of State” stands mute and smiles like a zombie as Andrea Mitchell tries mightily to get him to answer just what is going on in his department.

Reportedly Mr. Trump will be speaking on the phone shortly with Mr. Abbas of Palestine and as near as one can tell, completely without any training wheels and certainly without any of those experienced State personnel who know the issues and pitfalls that can arise from the misuse of even a single word or phrase. But of course, Mr. Trump is, as with everything he touches, a leading world expert on the subject and a GREAT negotiator…Trust Me.

And Mr. Tillerson has chosen to visit South Korea right now…again without any Departmental expertise joining him, and no press allowed, and at one of the most sensitive times in the relationship between our two countries while China, North Korea and Japan get more and more jittery. The only problem with this scenario right now is that South Korea just happens to have NO GOVERNMENT in place…the current president having been deposed by the country’s high court for corruption and no replacement in place.

How long before we find ourselves bumbling into a shooting war, led by a President who clearly believes the solution to any and all disputes is a robust military he can call upon to start shootn’?


Strange as I’m sure Tillerson is in on the shill as well.

The GOP is allowing the WH to conduct itself as some Third World dictatorship. The Donald has to go, but so do Pence and Ryan. Caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place we are.


“And I’m not sure – I can’t speak to whether there’s going to be any meetings at the State Department at any level.”



There is no reason for him to be in S. Korea unless it’s to discuss security issues. Even then, is anyone really in charge in S. Korea right now?


Honestly, I don’t think that Rump will get us into a war.

What I think is going to happen is that Kim Jong Un is going to get even more wiggy than he’s been and fire weaponry at China or Japan probably around the summer. They, in turn, will look to us for assistance and Rump will just walk away saying it’s their problem. The world, at that point, will get a whole lot smaller.

Kushner is so far out of his league it’s really quite horrifying.


The State Department isn’t typically called in for Trump business meetings. His business interests are too important to delegate to non-family members.


“The State Department appeared to be caught off guard by the news that Mexico’s foreign minister was in Washington…”

“When Trump’s State Department sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing confusion. They’re bringing embarrassment. They’re flat-footed. And some, I assume, are good people.”


Just remember, Chump hires only the “best” people…top men…TOP men.


He also hired Miller - who looks like a Bottom.


rEXXON Tillerson almost certainly knew about the visit. Mexico is an oil producer.


Yep. The top men are on it.