Discussion for article #233371
It’s obvious that economic opportunity (jobs) would help in an impoverished region. She is correct. This is a multidimensional problem that can’t be solved with a “military only” approach.
HIRE TERROrists? ThIS doesN’t MAke sense. oNLY IN NOBaMAmerica WOULd IT maKE sense TO HIRe MUSLIM terrorists TO rePLACe FURLOughED TSA sCREENs. STOP NOBama FROM HIRING MUSLIM terrorISts TO saFEguarD the HOMElaND. PASS THE bILL that DEFUnds HOMElaND secURITY aND SHOW the LIBtards WHAT we’re MADE OF!1!!!1!!!1one!!!
“State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday that she was standing by her argument that the U.S. can’t just “kill its way out” of war with the Islamic State terror group without also tackling economic disparities in the Middle East.”
The old saying “When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail”, has been turned on it’s head by the GOP. They want only the hammer, because to them everything looks like a nail.
These absurd games with Tweety and the usual assortment of fair weather Beltway Masters of the Universe have become even more dangerous than Tweety’s personally forgotten old daily flirtation with Saddam’s bomb-maker.
Would TPM like to take a mulligan on its policy of helping Morning Joe broadcast his stupid?
This is one of those manufactured controversies. People join extremist groups for a whole variety of reasons. Some are simply vicious killers who are seeking an excuse to justify killing. This appears to be the case with the recent killers in Europe, who were violent criminals before they discovered Islam. Adam Lanza and James Holmes managed to kill scores without having any ideology at all. Poverty and unemployment may be a factor for some, but Mohammed Atta had a professional job that he was good at, as did the Ft Hood killer and many others. Some appear to want an adventure and a cause bigger than themselves. It is impossible to address every possible cause that leads people to follow dark paths.
IMO, we can’t kill our way out of this problem nor can we “develop” our way out of it either. There is no way out. We should accept that we will have to live with human evil as long as humans exist and look to manage as best we can.
I’m 100% sure that’s precisely what she’s saying. Nobody is claiming there is any one way to cleanse the planet and humanity of these problems…well, other than RWNJs and neocons. “Managing” inequality, poverty, opportunity, access to education, etc., in order to “manage” the spread of extremism is all she’s talking about. She’s not positing that “nation-building” is THE solution. Fact is, we’re going to have to kill a lot of people and keep killing a lot of people. By acknowledging that killing lots of people isn’t going to solve the problem and that other factors must be addressed, she’s not inherently arguing that those other factors WILL provide the solution, but rather that they’ll simply help us have to kill less people, perhaps at some point marginalizing the extremists sufficiently that they go into “remission,” so to speak…but they would still exist and they would still be a threat and they and their attacks will still need to be dealt with. I think you read too much into it…as if she was swinging too far in the opposite direction just because she criticized the killing part.
I didn’t know the GOP were in charge of America’s war games. Hey bignose, Obama’s the one with the hammer. We can’t kill our way out of our wars today but He stills insists on trying.
Absolutely. Matthews is not unintelligent, but he is an intractable bloviator, interrupting and speaking over his guests to interject his own opinions without regard to their relevancy. My question for Ms. Harf is: how could she possibly expect to be a guest on Tweety’s show and get any kind of clear thought or policy position across?
This is how you handle right-wing outrage. You stand by your words, expand on them, and you make the outrage look ignorant and overblown.
Good for her.
Why should she? She said absolutely nothing wrong and every “journalist” who claims otherwise should be ashamed of themselves. The DC media should be calling out the outrageous demagoguery that those who are criticizing her are engaging in. Instead they are enabling it. THIS is the perfect example of how awful the beltway media is.
Putting Hayden on the air is like following Jeffrey Dahmer’s Yelp reviews.
In the GOP’s case, a thumbnail.
Spot on! People don’t go about chopping heads off or burning people in cages just because there is no work. It takes a criminal mind to accomplish that feat.
CNN, Morning Joke, Hardball, Foxbots: We should give these guys and gals six weeks training and drop them in the ISIS “war” zone. Then they can come back and bloviate all they want, if they come back!
Good for her. What she said is completely reasonable, and it’s pretty telling how quickly her entirely reasonable answers to Matthews’ questions were turned into the right-wing outrage du jour.
I love this woman, and glad she’s working for us.
Mika didn’t understand a word Ms. Harf said.