Discussion for article #235811
I like the comic book format. Good piece.
Interesting approach with a comic art but the headline was a tad misleading as the comic’s payoff indicated.
Putin would be a fool to back out of a situation where Russia appears to be an equal with the US and to ensure their cooperation the US should hint about building an L4 or L5 cislunar station on its own.
Curiously art and space science are two rarely discussed topics I’d like to see discussed in the presidential race and would urge HRC to consider them within the vast array of other issues.
For all our advances and technology, it may be that an Asteroid; or a Volcano; or Climate Change will be the means by which our species ends. But I think it far more like that our inability to think and act as species is what will in fact kill us off.
I’m sure Dick Cheney will find a reason to kill it.
With all those solar panels, how could he help himself?