Discussion: 'Stand Your Ground' Laws Tested In Recent Killings

Discussion for article #222264

Legalized hunting of humans. Firing blindly into your garage after admitting to setting a trap for a burglar should not constitute “standing your ground” or even fall under castle laws. It’s a very deadly form of entrapment.


Gary Marbut, who heads the Montana Shooting Sports Association and helped draft the state’s law, said Kaarma’s case could help clarify it.

Kaarma’s a bitch.

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Man, this is one sick country.


My brother, the pro-gun, ex-Marine, LEO, despises Stand Your Ground.


Cue the wingnut circus. Every fox news personality who has excused rapists on the grounds that the victim was sexy will say that these homeowners bear no responsibility for admitted entrapment.


It’s the logical outcome of these laws. Legislators may not want to admit that they were giving a green light to murderous sickos, but that’s what they did. Yet another “who could have known?” when only thousands of people were telling them that this was going to happen.

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Not exactly rational what these small-penised individuals did, BUT, frankly, they shouldn’t be prosecuted, imo. This is where our country is at, these kids were trespassing and burglarizing, the homeowners didn’t know if or how much danger these kids posed… Its a sad state in 2014, thanks to the NRA, gun nuts and the Republican Party.

Sit Your Ground-

from the series, “Springfield Through the Mill”.

Cold… Blooded… Murder. Pure and simple. These are some angry, psychopath people who probably had some crappy stuff stolen and now they have killed a person for it. I mean, you cannot even hunt deer this way. Really sad that our country is devolving into this. Reminds me of the “Third World” countries I have visited. Thank you Gun Lobby and Fear Mongers and Greedy Takers for tearing away the fabric of a society.


Actually, they had a video feed, so they could assess the trespasser, call the cops and could’ve waited outside the garage (which he did) and hold him until cops arrive.

Ahh, but that would make sense, youre right, blast the kid!


And what if the exchange student was merely being a good neighbor and trying to secure the property?

Trespassing and burglary don’t warrant a death sentence. Even if they did, it should be administered by the legal system, not a Rambo wanna be. The cops should have been called and they should have been arrested and made to pay for their crime by the legal system. After their punishment they could have led productive lives and learned a lesson. Smith had a history with these kids. He told Nick he was going to be gone for Thanksgiving and then moved his truck 3 blocks away. Smith planned to kill them in advance, there was no doubt of that in the juror’s minds.Link: http://www.startribune.com/local/257265331.html

I live ten miles from Little Falls. Morrison County and Little Falls are both mostly Republican. I was skeptical Smith would be convicted until I read about the reactions of the jurors and entire courtroom after listening to Smith shoot Nick 3 times, Haile 6 times and called her a bitch as well as told her she was dying: http://www.startribune.com/local/256189861.html

This last link gives all the stories The Star Tribune wrote in covering this trial, including an audio of the shooting and Smith talking: http://www.startribune.com/local/182451801.html


You need to check with Hannity - apparently proportionality is somehow involved. I’m sure I heard something about that. Also, look up attractive nuissance.

I don’t recall anyone inviting you, yet here you are. Seems to happen all over.

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Very good point.

I’m not a hunter, but it’s my understanding that luring deer with bait is illegal.

Entrapment by law enforcement is illegal.

Having a pool without adequate safeguards is illegal.

“In the law of torts, the attractive nuisance doctrine states that a landowner may be held liable for injuries to children trespassing on the land if the injury is caused by a hazardous object or condition on the land that is likely to attract children who are unable to appreciate the risk posed by the object or condition. The doctrine has been applied to hold landowners liable for injuries caused by abandoned cars, piles of lumber or sand, trampolines, and swimming pools. However, it can be applied to virtually anything on the property of the landowner.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attractive_nuisance_doctrine

But luring people to their death is legal?


Do laws that allow private citizens to protect their property also let them set a trap and wait for someone to kill? NO, legal precedent has already been set on cases such as these, and those who have done it in the past have paid the piper.


SYG gave us GZS


Where the Packer of Heat hopes someone will scare the Packer into shooting them.

Or wily ones who bait folks and feel good about killing them.

i.e. all the Gawd-fearing, easily scared / manipulated gun-owners.

The NRA solution is simple - arm the kids! The only way to stop a homeowner from overstepping the boundary of the law is for possible intruders to return (or initiate) fire.

“Keep off my lawn!”
“Yeh? Sez who?”

(Then the Tree of Liberty was once again watered by the blood of Patriots… or Tyrants… or teenagers…or somebody. Who doesn’t matter - as long as the Tree is watered by a bleeder who purchased a firearm sold in America by NRA-supporting real Americans.)

This anecdote shows the wisdom of our American free-market capitalism and Constitootional [snark spelling for Poevians] Way of Life. And if you don’t like it, you can suck my Glock!

I live in Montana south of Missoula which is a fairly liberal (for
Montana) university community. The gun nuts have been swarming
the comments sections of the local papers revealing themselves to
be truly ignorant and hateful. What a tragedy for the family of the
teen and what a black eye for Missoula; this was nothing but murder
which is the ultimate result of the stand your ground laws. America
is really showing its best face to the world and confirming the
opinion of us as an out of control gun culture.