Discussion: St. Paul Cop On Leave After Allegedly Telling Drivers To Hit Black Lives Matter Protesors

Discussion for article #244863

He’s not merely suggesting that drivers run over innocent people, he’s advising them on how to get away with potentially killing people. He should lose his badge immediately.


Do You THINK so

Both the comment and the “JM Roth” Facebook account have since been deleted.

Wonder how many times it was ‘shared’ and with whom before it was deleted.

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His tweet, “Follow them home and kill their pets” has somehow gone unremarked upon.


Sounds like incitement to commit bodily harm to me. He’s a sergeant which makes it worse since he’s a field supervisor, and has to post’s the get outta jail free card statement: “I was in fear of my safety and/or life.” Lastly, rely on a selective should you happen to get charged or sued, you can find a racially biased jury against blacks and minorities and receive NO sanctions.


He sounds like a typical GOP Christian. I’m guessing a tRump fan.

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“…since in the past people in this group has shown a propensity towards violence.”

There’s nothing a non-white person can ever do or say to change the mind of a slug like this. - Was it BLM activists in whiteface who shot at their own protest?

I assume this guy will be fired, but I’d like to see if he can’t be charged with something. He’s a cop, telling people to commit acts of violence and advising them on how to obstruct justice!


Police in St. Paul, Minnesota put a sergeant on leave after he allegedly
encouraged drivers to run over Black Lives Matter protestors who
planned to shut down a bridge during a Martin Luther King Jr. Day
demonstration, The Pioneer Press reported Tuesday.

Putting him on leave is a good start. Now find out if he really said this crap and if he did then fire him.


Well he might want to stop dishing out legal advise. He sucks at it. You can’t run someone down because they are in the street. Most states give pedestrians, legally in the road or not, the right away over all traffic. And all states require you drive safely for conditions. Leaving the scene is also on all 50 books. But the fact that a man sworn to protect is soliciting assault and the likely killing of those he’s sworn to is really a big deal.

And this asshole is just fucking dumb as shit. He posted this crap.


I call on the nations’ Police Unions to denounce this behavior.

Again, I call on the nations’ Police Unions to denounce this behavior.

No, seriously, I call on the nations’ Police Unions to denounce this behavior.

Oh, I thought you said a Muslim Police sergeant.


I also love how sure they are of their convictions …


Fire his sorry ass. He’s a tricking policeman for gawd’s sake.

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Both the comment and the “JM Roth” Facebook account have since been deleted.

Yet another fool that doesn’t understand how things work.

“The Internet. Outing Stupid F^ckers Online Since 1989!”



It just gets better and better for MPD, doesn’t it?

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“These idiots could try and sue you in civil court, but remember that it will be jury trail and so most likely it will come out in your favor.”

Implied if you’re White


Not only that, but he’s suggesting that the justice system will favor the drivers, with not-so-subtle hints of racial bias (e.g., these people have a propensity for violence, and that the jury will side with the driver).


The ‘system’ is the Constitution you nimrod. ‘Right to assemble’ and all that BS…there IS more to it than the 2nd amendment…


I doubt the cop in question is tied to the account. It has been so cold up in Minneapolis and 'burbs the last few days that nobody would expect enough protesters to bother anything.