Discussion: St. Louis Police Offer 'Entertaining' Class Based On Ferguson Shooting

Discussion for article #227940

Notice that “tell the truth” is nowhere on the list.


Spin. Spin. Spin. Then spin again.



I thought that was a prerequisite for being hired .

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Ever notice how conservatives genuinely seem to think that “better flacks” is an actual solution to a problem?



What happened to your alternate CaPs/LoWeRcAse?


Reminds me of Rumsfeld’s response to the Abu Ghraib photos.
His first reaction was to ban digital cameras on site.


When GoET is not in persona, he’s being serious. For those who can’t tell the difference.

Thank you for sharing that…

managing media assault and battery.

Module 1: Cutting to the front of the line - McDonalds
Module 2: Teargassing for dramatic footage
Module 3: Lasers - more than just for having fun with cats


This is an excellent move because bullets hurt less when the guy shooting them has good PR!


“You will learn a lot, and you’ll have fun doing it!” the flyer reads.

Now it can fun to be an officer involved in a shooting?
Well, that certainly is something new and different.


There are quite a few who do not understand what TGoET is up to when he’s in character.


Rule 1 of winning the media. Don’t shoot and kill unarmed people. (Or choke, or tase or use any other method for killing unarmed people.)
Rule 2 of winning the media. See Rule 1.


A good place to start would be by canceling this class, which is bound to be tarred and feathered by said media.


Welcome to the St Louis police version of community outreach.


Thank goodness there will be no Powerpoint involved, because that surely would have taken a lot of the fun out of it.

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That is on the “Don’t” side of the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” ledger…

I do have a serious comment on this one. Some questions ought to be answered about this that only a journalist can, so TPM get to work!

Are the Missouri taxpayers funding this? How much is Rick Rosenthal getting paid? What were his nine previous presentations for them like? In his sixteen years of training, what exactly has he taught all these different people and departments across the country? Who is he and from what angle does he approach his presentations? Have any of these law enforcement agencies ever had presentations like this with a different instructor or from a different point of view? Whose idea in the St. Louis County department was it to have this, and whose idea was it to tie it specifically to the events in Ferguson? Are local elected officials aware of this event and do they have any reaction?

I hope you’re working on at least some of these, because this is incredibly disgraceful and someone ought to be held accountable, though given how little accountability has been shown in the original shooting, I’m not holding my breath.


The appropriate response by the Media…if they don’t want to be managed…is to go gangbusters on this. Don’t hold your breath.

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