Discussion: St. Louis Lawmaker Arrested Overnight In Ferguson Protests

Discussion for article #226390

Eventually they’ll make one too many mistakes with people who actually matter.


Can’t they just “kettle” all the protestestors and spray them in the face with mace? That worked for Officer Balogna and the OWS peaceful protestors in New York. Doesn’t history teach us anything?

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It’s stunning to me that in one night they managed to arrest two prominent members of the national media and an alderman. Is it even possible for the local police to have fucked this up any worse without actually killing more innocent people?


Damn. If Ferguson & county police crack out this much military hardware for unarmed protesters, imagine what they’d do if one of the protesters pulled out a gun.

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Fuckin’ militarized storm troopers still don’t realize that in the age of social media and Anonymous, they are ultimately bound to lose. The question is how many people they injure or kill before that belated realization.


I wonder if it’s time to call out the National Guard…to protect the citizens from the out of control police mob, that is.


The National Guard doesn’t have a very good track record when it comes to this sort of thing…unless they put General Honore in charge.

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The militarization, the boot camp haircuts and the us against them mentality attracts the exact type of person that you least want to give police powers to.

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Where’s McCain wondering when Obama will finally arm the moderate opposition?


Unlawful assembly? WTF??

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Troubling? The Governor finds this troubling? I can think of many more adjectives that I would use, were I the Governor. And some action I would take, as well. He’s complicit with everything that is happening.

That sentiment reminds me of this article from The Onion:
“Experts: Ebola Vaccine At Least 50 White People Away”

Don’t care if it’s already been said, there’s a clear pattern here of harassing people for protesting, no matter how peaceably, and for recording police actions. That’s not America, folks. It can’t be tolerated.

…surprised the LEO didn’t shoot the guy…

…sounds like a permissive parent.

“It’s not nice to shoot people in the face with CS and rubber bullets, Jr.”

You mean a white elected official? Or will it have to be a white conservative?

It’s a thing that ought to be fundamental that no one in our crackerjack MSM seems to even be noticing.

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That’s the fun thing. Never know who is a person who matters until it’s happened.

This guy may be the one who matters. Depends on how big the waves he can cause are.

This is when some shit will get done–when it starts pinching government officials directly in the ass. This whole thing will be over soon.