Discussion: SPLC Removes Ben Carson From List of Anti-LGBT 'Extremists' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #233203

Of course, SPCA is starting a ‘Functioning Kook’ list.

Guess who has the first name on it .

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…for the folks who were unaware that Benny was ON the list.

Heh Heh Heh.

What do you have to do to actually get on the list if this guy doesn’t belong there? Are they really so much more extreme that he doesn’t qualify as an extremist?

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He’ll remain on my “dumb asshole” list for the foreseeable future.
Although he is an idiot, he isn’t a violent idiot. I’ve also never heard him talk in terms of what should be done to those he doesn’t agree with. For all those who are anti-2nd Amendment - he’s pretty much with Bloomberg or more to the left in regard to gun control. Not the type of hate monger you’d expect in the SPLC files. Adding too liberally to that extremist list is going to make it worthless.


This guy will implode without any assistance from anybody else. He is a real nutjob. The more he speaks, the more apparent that becomes to anyone that cares to see it.

You see him holding firearms talking about killing gays who want to marry? You see him trying to sell pickup mounted radiation weapons for the killing of the race of your choice? KKK, Aryan Nation, Aryan Brotherhood, doctor bombing anti-abortion groups, - extreme assholes.

He’s just an asshole.


What I don’t get is why he wants his name to be removed from the list. For someone like him it should be like a badge of honor! After all, “extremism in pursuit of liberty is no vice”, so being called an extremist for the cause of having the liberty of denying gays the right to marry should make him proud. Of course, that liberal sissy Sen. Goldwater had a quite different position regarding gays but never mind that.

Imagine the fundraising opportunities! “Ben Carson - on the offical enemy list of teh gay”. The RWNJs would love it, Really, if anything the doctor should beg the SPLC to be included in the list again.

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Say it isn’t so, Joe! Say it isn’t so!

Yes, it would seem the professional Screechers did him a disservice here. If I were in his shoes, I might be a bit miffed at this turn of events.

It’s a left-wing conspiracy ,doncha know?

“It’s a freedom of speech deal and they can’t be doing that," O’Reilly said.

Read the First Amendment, Bill-O. It only applies to the government suppression of speech, and the SPLC is not an arm of the government.

“Freedom of Speech” does not mean that you can say absolutely anything and nobody can disagree with you. The SPLC has free speech rights, too, and they can put your guy on their extremist list if they choose to. You can object to the designation (and in this case, give the SPLC credit for paying heed to the objections), but it’s still their right to compile the list.


So he belongs on the anti-gay “Mainstreamist” list?

Maybe we’re so numb now that standard bigotry just doesn’t register. Ben moved off the list by not keeping up.

Carson is not an extremist–he just plays one to get more attention.

Just awful they did this. It has now enabled an extremist.