Discussion: SPLC Adds Male Supremacist Groups To Annual Hate Count For First Time

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Somehow the word “supremacist” does not spring to mind as the correct label here.


I sure agree with them, but don’t tell my wife!

Isn’t this just prejudice against the phallically impaired?


One thing I think is probably true is that misogyny is the one vein running through extremist groups of all stripes. Be it religious extremism, racial, ethnic, even political ideological extremism on both the left and right, the tie that binds is usually an aggressive need to subjugate and demean women. The tiny men that tend to lead these movements are always, always, always threatened by women.


Not quite on topic - but am guessing members of these newly ID’d groups (by the SPLC) - are among those upset by the great twitter purge (of thousands of Russian bots).

Betty Bowers - does a great troll of the twitter feed where alt-righters are crying foul at Twitter for purging their followers. (click for the embedded image.)


“For the first time, the Southern Poverty Law Center included two male supremacist groups in its annual ‘Year in Extremism’ report.”

“Republicans” and “Evangelicals”?


Look closely at all the mass-shooters in the last 2 decades, you’ll find nearly all of them were openly racist, and probably hated women too. Perhaps its because so many of these murder sprees are racially motivated, even if they are equal-opportunity killers- that the firearms regulation movement is stymied. The US simply cannot confront racism… maybe because the racists are armed to the teeth?

The underlying reason for the 2nd Amendment was racism. Because of the slave owners’ fear of rebellion, they wanted ALL men to be armed… to have a “militia”, not to “stand against the tyranny of the Federal Gov’t” as they now claim, but to control black slaves.
And a lot of the gun-lovers are still minority-fearing minority-hating white men, who hate wimmin too, but don’t need guns to hurt them.


They should have done it the day after the Oklahoma CIty bombing!

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Seeing as how a bunch of fundies are suing SPLC because reporters are using their materials. this looks like a great big “Fuck me? No, fuck YOU!” move.

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Good. It’s about time these Men’s Rights groups get focused on in light of their awful misogyny. They’d like everyone to believe they’re such a persecuted bunch…It’s almost laughable if they weren’t so menacing. I understand some of these groups formed to deal with custody rights initially, but they’re a far cry from that now. A lot of them are wife beaters, out looking for sympathy from other wife beaters. I notice they have a sick intimidating presence on the internet, going after anyone that they feel threatens their dominance. All these intensely ideological patriarchal groups like The Family try to give religious cover for a lot of these male supremacist groups as far as I’m concerned. Its really the tiny penis brigade. Way too much over-compensating going on with these guys imo.


I agree with most of your post, but I disagree here. The reason the US can’t confront racism is because to do so would threaten the privilege of the majority. The majority in this country, AKA white people, benefit from racism in too many ways to count. Their children benefit from it and so too will their grandchildren. To give it up completely is to agree to force your children from a slight to large advantage to a level playing field. In some ways I get it. What loving parent doesn’t want their kids to have a leg up in the world so that they might be happier and more successful? Most everyone wants better for the next generation. In America, racism facilitates a better life for the majority.

There’s also income inequality. As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, whiteness is the only thing a lot of white people have left to feel good about, to make them feel as though they’re better, and to give them some advantage in life. In much the same way rich people hoard wealth, some poor white folks want to hoard the simple advantages of being white.

Now we have an entire political party whose focus to it’s base is a promise to maintain white supremacy. They’ve basically made an unspoken agreement with their base, “Let us get richer how ever we see fit, and we’ll keep those ni(clang)ers and spics in line.” That’s the bargain they’ve made. Until far greater numbers of white people begin to realize that the deal they made is horrible for them, their children, and those that come after them we’re stuck with rampant racism until minorities become the majority.


Thinking with your dick is just never, EVER a good idea

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And that was a pretty fair issue to take on at one time. It probably still is. But somewhere along the way it stopped being about wanting shared custody and more of say in their children’s daily lives, and became almost exclusively about male dominance and reestablishing the old patriarchy.


I agree but my dick doesn’t which is why I have to frequently give it a good beating.


Since the article didn’t give any details on Return of Kings and I wouldn’t want to link to them, it’s worth linking to the Wikipedia page on RoK’s founder, “Roosh V”.

He’s argued that legalizing rape would make women more cautious, thus reducing rape. He also said of mass shooter Elliot Rodgers that he wouldn’t have shot people if he’d just followed Roosh’s pick-up-artist advice, because getting him laid totally would have solved everything.

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Legalizing rape would make women more cautious. As a result, it would make many more men dickless.

Houston-based A Voice for Men and Washington, D.C.-based Return of Kings were among the 954 hate groups included in the 2017 report.

It’s about time.

And as for the SPLC: please do what you can to help.

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Oh yeah, I’ve been following these guys for years through the blog on “We Hunted the Mammoth” Those groups are incubators for White Supremacist, mass shooters and early Trump supporters. They celebrate “Saint Elliot Day” they day of the mass shootings of sorority girls in Santa Barbara, advocate for legalized rape, and lowering the age to marry girls to 12.

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That is only because they are intellectually inferior to women. Pride in negating that fact is their last resource as self-respecting men.