“I have not sat down and talked to him about that specific thing,” Spicer said at his daily briefing. “Obviously we’ve been dealing with a lot of other issues today. I’d be glad to touch base and—”
A lot of issues today? How about - has the subject ever come up in the past 8 months? Maybe you can fill us in at the same time you get around to asking him about that climate change thing.
That was the craziest answer. This isn’t exactly a new issue.
“No, I haven’t talked with him about the thing that could end his Presidency.”
Bull shitters gotta bull shit!
“Obviously we’ve been dealing with a lot of other issues today.”
Both the White House and CVS are out of Attends® adult diapers in Turmeric the Terrible’s size.
As everyone knows, he refuses to wear any other brand because Attends® are the only ones that “don’t show.”
He’s very fashion conscious.
Until a new supply of his favorite nappies are located the White House is in full crises mode.
Even if Trump did know conclusively that Russia interfered, he would never admit it. It would only call the legitimacy of his being elected into question, and that will NEVER be allowed to be uttered aloud in Trumpworld.
Poor Spicer. He realizes that if he answered either yes or no, there could well be a Trump Tweet completely contradicting him at the very moment he was giving his answer. Or a minute, or an hour, or a day later.
Spicer knows how to stick to a script. And he knows how to ad-lib around a script. But in the House of Chaos there is no coherent script, so Spicer is left in a position where he is forced to punt on what ought to be easy questions.
Even Fox News says Russia interfered. Trump is better off agreeing with the experts on this.
By staying silent, he makes it worse for himself.
Why would he be hesitant to say no? I mean sure he probably believes it to be true even if he has no proof, but instead just bases it on Donald being a dumbass if not corrupt shit, but isn’t he supposed to be making Donald look good in this job? And I mean goddamn it’s not like almost everything else he says in these briefings isn’t a half truth if not complete lie. I just don’t understand this answer.
Trump Allegiance in order of appearance - Trump, Trump, Inc., Russia, because Russia is Trump and Kushner’s source of funding. Sold-his-soul-Spicer does not even make Trump’s honorable-mention list.
You talkin’ about Donnie? Staying silent? It would be the first time in his life…
I thought he already said he didn’t believe it.
Given the depths of his NPD, that alone may be the real reason why he is so frickin’ obsessed with shutting down the whole investigation.
Collusion and criminal acts–pfffttt! No-one, but no-one better claim that Donnie Boy’s “historic electoral victory” wasn’t due solely to his magnificence and big brain. And his long fingers.
Ooh, I love that!
What’s allowed to be uttered aloud
Is whatever will make Drumpf most proud
Makes his supplicants kneel
While he’s copping a feel
Whatever will succor* the crowd
.*homophonia is our friend; so is verbing