Discussion: Spicer: Trump Explained His Wiretapping Tweet By Citing Media Reports

I don’t disagree with your explanation (and Krug’s). But I think it is simpler. Johnny Law is breathing down their necks and they are in a panic. I’ve heard rumors that Comey is going for a grand jury. By- passing the congress altogether?

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It’s not nice to tease a girl. Where did you hear that and please please be true…


No. You cannot. Trumpp doesn’t give a shit about facts, so logic is even less of a consideration.

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I’ll bet Spicer was happy not to talk about batshit-motherfucking-out-of-her-goddamned-gourd Kellyanne Conway.
But then, Homer Simpson may know what KC was talking about:

The game was given up the moment that Trump made his dipshit claim in the first place.
It’s getting a little like a paraphrase of that famous line at the end of “It’s A Wonderful Life”: “Every time Donald Trump Tweets or opens his mouth, Obama gets his wings!”


I hear many posters bemoaning the “shiny object” Trump play book. Many think he wins when he does the bait and switch. I disagree. Trump is not winning anything. He is in his bunker, tiny thumbs flying, while the IC continues to connect the dots of this administrations connections to Russia. Letting the Russian story out slowly is in our best interests. Watching the GOP fight itself over the ACA replacement does further damage to their brand. Not being able to pass their health care mess is another fail for the administration and the party. Like Rachel says, watch what they do not what they say. Trump is hiding out. Pence has the stink of Flynns “foreign agent” fiasco circling his head. Spicer is prostituting himself and has no credibility. Ryan has lost his
“policy wonk” credentials and looks like any other corrupt, flailing Republican. I don’t call that winning, unless you are Charlie Sheen.


Oh, yeah, please be true! I know a lot of people on here don’t think Louise Mensch is a valid source and I do take her information with a grain of salt, but she is now starting to throw that out there. Her twitter is worth following because the CIA seems to have taken her under their wing. Like I said, rumors. Let’s see if Rachel picks up on this, she seems to be following the crumbs that Mensch, Adam Khan and John Schindler are dropping, but ties it up with a pretty bow with actual verification.

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Make it so. :smile:

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"I’ll ask him, ‘What do the quotes mean?’ and he’ll say – ”

Conway went on to say that the monitoring could be done with “microwaves that turn into cameras,” adding: “We know this is a fact of modern life.”

Edit: sorry, should have figured this quote would be well covered in comments. Great microwave camera, Tclap

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This has to be just incredibly demoralizing for the real intelligence community. “You mean we’re risking our lives on behalf of our country to get intelligence, but trump prefers whatever crap he heard on talk radio?”

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Mr. Spicer, I suspect it will be a very simple task listing all the things President trump knew prior to the Obama wire tapp claim. That would amount to “nothing.” The “what he doesn’t know” should gravely concern everyone in this world.

“I’m not going to get into what the President knew or didn’t know prior to it. I think we’ve already commented on this multiple times,” Spicer replied.

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He keeps demeaning and pissing off IC people who can (I hope will) fry the fucker.

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It was just a typical DJT head fake to keep the media from writing and talking about Sessions lying under oath during his confirmation hearing…and it worked.

The media alreay reported that story - that Sessions lied. I’m sure when something else happens that has anything to do with it, they’ll report that too.

The only head fake Trump knows how to make is that fake hair on his head.

Otherwise, these people could not organize a successful 3 car funeral.

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They’re not even trying to hide it. Full-throttle grifting is the way of the future in the good ol’ USA.

Well, they are income, but if you’re not the son of SCROTUM, you hope the IRS doesn’t notice. If you are, you don’t worry, because MAGA

Because Trump/GOP chimera has a game plan, whereas most of the media reporters are all, “Squirrel!”

It’s been going on a loooong time. Remember the reality-based community Rove referred to? We’ve left that behind and are now free-floating in la-la land.



CNN.com is reporting Spicer as saying that dt did not say his “Phones were tapped.”
So, being the reality based scientist that I am I dove into dt’s tweeter account and there it was. OBAMA TAPPED MY PHONE!!!12!!!22!!!111!!!

“media reports” Yeah Infowars and Breitbart no doubt. Certainly not a reputable news source.


Life is good for white people.

According to Team Trump, “wire-tapping” can include a whole host of options, such as:

  • mind melds
  • Jedi mind tricks
  • eavesdropping on Donnie by using Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak

That was disgusting. But we need to remember that every public briefing or utterance from Trump and Co. is replete with minions in the audience that provide applause and/or adoration.

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