Behind the scenes:
Meanwhile Spicebunny’s boss has guaranteed pre-existing conditions will be covered, making it nearly impossible for Republicans to get to the vote number they need.
And why? Because he shot his mouth off on the campaign and felt the need to double-down.
Of course.
“We’re not there yet”
Maybe not, but Spicey has clearly reached cognitive dissonance nirvana. When asked “how can Americans trust anything the President says when he says ‘I don’t stand by anything’?” Spicey answered “Clearly, the President stands by everything he says.”
“We’re not there yet.”
Thanks heaps, Captain Obvious.
May is “Dictator and Autocrat Appreciation Month.”
Also, you know who else was a head of state?
Trump: Fake media. I repealed ObamaCare on day 1. That was my first Executive Order.
Yes, but there is the theory that the Republican Party is choosing to ignore Trump and just move along without him. As for his base?" Well they can do what they want - the base is loyal no matter what.
“We’re getting closer and closer every day.”
How much is that in Friedman Units?
A paradox, a paradox…
To get from Freidman Units to Spicer units involves some calculus involving Planck’s Constant, the speed of light in a vacuum and the Schwarzchild Radius.
The bigger question is whether they will realize it when they get there.
And there’s every possibility Trump will sign whatever’s put in front of him anyway. And that tomorrow he’ll say something completely different. And that he won’t bother reading any bills. And that he might resign in a few months.
Just a few of many reasons he’ll go down as the worst President in US history.
So close. And yet, so very, very far.
Spicer: “Give us a little time, OK! Andrew Jackson spent his entire presidency trying to repeal and replace ObamaCare, but even he couldn’t do it.”
and I always thought a Freidman unit was 6 months
We’re not there yet.
And I hope to G-d we never get there. For the good of the country, never.
But here is the paradox: did he not say this was a day-one repeal? Did he not say this was the first thing that would be done? Was that not his contract with America for the first 100 days, along with a whole bunch of other nonsense?
Newsworthy FoxNews!!!