Discussion: Spicer On Criticism Of Exchange With April Ryan: ‘No, In Fact, It’s Not Patronizing’

Not only are you not credible, Spicer, you’re not professional either. And yet people who knew you before this said you were a pretty nice guy. Maybe you should get out of there before you totally turn into Gollum.


I’m sure Goebbels was a nice guy up until he killed his family in that bunker.

My real point is it’s too late for the so-called “Mr” Spicer to save his soul.

Depending on whether or not he discussed this incident yesterday, today’s Donnie Simpson show will be very interesting.

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Spicy reminds me of the angry guy at the gym that maniacally keeps his towel wrapped tight for fear of anyone seeing his tiny prick…

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“n this happened one month ago”

“time really flies…”


I’m overwhelmed and it’s only Wednesday…


Angry, marginalized, rich white people…Thank God the Mercers are funding some SCOTUS-mandated public service announcements.


The shame of it all is that Sean’s pressers are worthess. Little useable information is disseminated and his answers are laced with lies, bullshit and misinformation. The pressers are notorious for their controversy and “drama” not for their information content. The “story” always revolves around the presser itself snd this incident is simply more notorious than most.


“As I’ve explained to you many times before, it is not patronizing, and I hope one day you’ll grow to appreciate that I’m right.”


I’m interested to watch the rigid maintenance of the oddball, bargain table colors on the half-size too large and wonkily-worn clothes that must not bother Donald anymore as much as they irritate me…and that dark mass that moved around his mouth the other day (shudder).


Umm, more of a Grima Wormtongue actually.

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‘stop shaking your head’? I watched that exchange and SHORTY SPICER did no want to answer her question…he shut her down and talked over her, finally told her to ‘STOP SHAKING YOUR HEAD’… rude, rude, rude…


Funny how consciousness of guilt makes people commit unforced errors. No one else was claiming that Spicer was bullying Ryan because she’s a black woman. Defending himself by claiming to be an equal-opportunity lying assh*le doesn’t really get to the problem at hand.


After Ryan failed to come through for Trump, he assigned the task to Pence, and this was the result:


I would love to see the WH press corps emulate April by shaking their heads every time Sadr City Sean lies.

(I would also like to set up an on-site chiropractic franchise.)

@ottnot That photo shows such a diverse group. I wonder if they had time to discuss women’s health issues?


life comes at you fast.

It’s weird how that previous Trump press conference is similar to this scene from Kung Fu Hustle.


Well, we are all so lucky Sean just explained that to us…

That whole exchange with Ms. Ryan disturbed the heck out of me. It still upsets me.

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The press should boycott the Press Secretary on the grounds that you can’t believe a word he says anyway. He’s already made abundantly clear that he thinks it’s a game. So why keep playing?

That scene was very satisfying.

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