Sounds like a new McDonalds offering: The Spicer Meltdown.
With a side order of Word Salad?
Have one daily? I’m lovin’ it.
Not healthy - but Vanilla Spice got a little bit heated.
“He said Trump “acknowledged the suffering that existed” and sought to make sure it was “enshrined” in memory so that similar events never take place again.”
Unless, you know, the people being targeted “deserve it.”
No, Spicer and this entire administration are pathetic and embarrassing.
Unca Shitgibbon is not going to be happy with Seanie for not convincing everyone that it’s all Obama’s fault…
You don’t have to be Jewish to be offended by this statement, Spicer. So don’t blather about how many Jews Trump has on staff or who looked at this.
That nobody in the White House involved with the proclamation even considererd there might be something wrong with not mentioning Jewish deaths when talking about the Holocaust is, ipso facto, proof of anti-semitism.
Trump/Bannon/Spicer: “Fuck the “Chosen” People! WE’RE the People’s Choice!”
Trump’s and Bannon’s anti-Semitism cannot be completely hidden.
Their embrace of white nationalists has consequences…
“I know what I said. I didn’t say Jared’s name,” Spicer said. “No, I’m not getting into who wrote it, but he has several members of the Jewish faith on his senior staff. And to suggest that it was an omission of anything else is kind of ridiculous.”
The people crafting proclamations for Trump to submit for public consumption are now doing work demanding their anonymity be preserved and protected?
Having a Holocaust Remembrance without mentioning Jews, the racial/religious group that was the MAIN SUBJECT of the “Final Solution” (and the main target of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”) is a lot like having… well…
How about a “Trail of Tears” Remembrance, but never mention any Native Americans?
How about a “Potato Famine” Remembrance, but never mention Ireland or the Irish people?
Make sense?? Didn’t think so.
I caught that undertone, but was wondering if it was just me hearing that or not.
I guess that answer would be not.
How about a tribute to the Winter Holidays without mentioning Christmas?
The GOP’s War on Jews must, must continue!!!
But some of their best friends are “those people!”
This penny ante Holocaust denial attempt is pathetic and an abomination.
PS: I’m loving what a disaster this press briefing is. Even by Spicer standards. Absolute. Hot. Mess.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) responded in a tweet posted Monday morning, calling the omission a “historical mistake.”
Trump: Thank you. I like being hysterically Historical.
As President Trump and his administration made it clear, the press and media should “Shut Up”. The media’s role is entertainment. If they don’t play that role, they will be treated as enemies, adversaries and opponents by President Trump, who will do nasty things to them. He may call them names, shame them on Twitter, grope and grab their genitalia, steal from and torture them.
Has anyone in the press noticed the ratings of Apprentice dropped like a stone after Omarosa Manigault left?
And not that they care and it’s not even the 1000th most offensive thing they’ve said today but many “Gypsies” consider the word to be a slur.
Trump would proclaim a “Trail of Tears” remembrance day and ask everyone to say a prayer for the dear, departed soul of Andrew Jackson.
When denial of the Holocaust as official Bannon State policy is described as “nitpicking” and you know we have yet to hit rock bottom, it is only a matter of time when KKK lynchings, torture and murder of black folks, Freedom marchers and bombings of black churches “never happened”.