Why would the DOJ report on an innocuous activity which White House Counsel has determined was completely legal? Hmmm, Melissean?
Hmm. Improvisational lying. There’s definitely a wing-nut welfare job awaiting Spice-boi if he wants it. FOX news???
Well, I don’t think he’ll get a job at Breitbart if he screws up this one.
Deflect, Gummy Spice, deflect and distract! I can see now that Sally Yates is going to take the fall for this despite her being the one to alert the WH Counsel on this.
Rogue Potus Staff tweeted this, 2/13/17
Rogue POTUS Staff ‏@RoguePOTUSStaff
Media finally learned Yates raised flags re: Flynn before being fired.
What they’re still not seeing is that it’s the reason she was fired.
Well, your boss fired Sally Yates for being a good lawyer, then you hung around until you got Jeff Sessions in, just to make sure there wouldn’t be any competent counsel from DOJ.
Reminds me of a Few Good Men, and Tom Cruise asking Jack Nicholas about a Code Red and Leaving on the next plane.
Maybe it was expertly hidden within the PDB because everyone knows Trump tweets during these and cannot multitask.
Ruh Roh. GEO recommends WH investigate KAC over Ivanka free informercial.
“The Department of Justice didn’t notify the White House or the White House counsel at that time in the transition phase until 13 days later,” he said. “We were making statements based on what General Flynn was telling us starting on Jan. 13th. The vice president went out on the 15th, right? They didn’t notify the White House counsel’s office until Jan. 26th.”
Like (I strongly suspect) everything about Spicer, this does not pass the smell test.
I thought that the DOJ briefed President Obama and then President elect PeePee. While Obama was still in office.
That’s what I read.
Spicer’s job is rumored to be on the line, so he’s lying harder and harder and harder for his boss–YUGE lies, the best and most beautiful lies. Contemptible little worm.
Um Flynn was in discussion with the russians BEFORE the 13th of January…and the sanctions came in December…
Fox is where the money is anyway
Spicer is a dick and a tool. Who is he kidding? The problem will not go away because Flynn is gone.
Well, we knew it was coming, didn’t we?
It’s all Obama’s fault.
Basically, they didn’t look into Flynn until they were forced to by the leaks. And fired Yates in part because of her doggedness into warning about Flynn. Totally corrupt administration that corrupts all who work for it and and all who would put trust in it.
And they wonder why they cant find a communications director? Not with a 10’ pole…
Spicey, it took two weeks to notify the WH and another two and a half for Flynn to quit. Why did THAT take so long? Did Donald want to make sure HIS name didn’t come up?