Discussion for article #242551
He doesn’t want them hammered with questions just hammers.
Pretty soon people will start howling “leave Ben Carson aloooone” while being perfectly comfortable with how every iota of Obama’s history was poured over. (Rev. Wright, Saul Alinsky, not a real US American, etc.)
“Well, why would you be able to find them?” Carson responded.
“Find Jimmy Hoffa and you will find the people I attacked in my youth,” Carson added.
Pyramids, knifings, Jews just needs guns in WWII, Obamacare is worse then slavery… The man is a walking, talking, ad for his opponents. We could be looking at the worst presidential candidate in modern times. He never walks his idiocy back. One wonders if he has anyone in his campaign to reign him in. I’m thinking that he doesn’t.
Not to forget–he’s vying for the lead nationally. Well as far as Republican’s go that is. I’d love to see him debate Hilary.
I think what is going on here is the tendency of RWNJ to tell little fables to make a stronger point. In this case, he wanted to show how a violent, troubled youth was transformed to a gentle, talented doctor by his faith in God, His problem is that now that he is running for president, people are going to go back and fact check him, something that had a very small chance of happening before.
Carson’s condescension makes me laugh. He often begins his response to a question with “Well, first of all ______”
“Well, why would you be able to find them?”
Drats! Checkmated by the superior intelligence of Dr. Carson again! Take that liberal media purveyors of division.
Does this pathetic attempt at a hit piece on @RealBenCarson mark the left's dawning realization he's a real threat? https://t.co/LxB6wAsWg7
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) November 5, 2015
All young Ben could remember was his Mother’s instructions, “Turn right Ben, turn right.”
“CNN was unable to corroborate Carson’s recollections after speaking with nine people who either attended school with or grew up with the retired neurosurgeon.”
His violent past must be far worse than he admitted.
Clearly, he stabbed to death all the witnesses.
He´s an Alan Keyes level of bad.
Nah, I heard they were all hiding in an empty grain bin somewhere in North Africa.
Another TPMer posted yesterday or day before TPM had gone from all-day all night Trump to all-day all-night Carson. Neither is worth all the breathless coverage. As my nonna would have said, Basta cosi!
“We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.”
…because they only exist in your fevered imagination, UncaBen?
… because you 're trying to appear more black and minoritized than President Obama?
Shamus MacGuffin, potential but elusive victim???
“Seven or eight years old…”
“Claude was dead. He wouldn’t know whether he had the medal pinned on him or not.”
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to locate people who don’t exist?
I will knife him in the gut, but I will not expose him to your questions!
Should a gentleman stab a lady for a cigarillo?