Discussion: <span class="s1">Posters Promoting 'Straight Pride' Week Appear On Ohio Campus

Discussion for article #235639

You know, as long as they’re not threatening people or anything, I kind of feel like we should just let these yahoos make fools of themselves in public, and not feed their butt-hurt persecution complex any further.


If you’re white, straight, and live in the U.S., don’t blame others for your shortcomings. You’re way ahead of most people at the starting line.

Coming across as a whiner is, typically, not the best way to get people on your side. Whatever the hell their side is supposed to be about here.

So… these folks have been feeling some kind of shame from being straight? Hence the necessity to assert their “straight pride?”

I think these folks are missing the point in the same way as the proponents of “white history month.”

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