Discussion: <span class="s1">No, Ted Cruz Wasn’t Shooting A ‘Machine Gun’

Discussion for article #239103

What’s next, will the Cruz campaign tell us you can find it in the Williams-Sonoma catalog?

On top of just being childish, this was also real dumb stunt, you’ll get all kinds of idiots trying to cook different things with their guns, etc. One thing a responsible gun owner should know is the proper use of your firearm, and playing dumb games with it is not one of them.


Nothing says “sportsman” like a semi-automatic weapon used to hunt down those well-armed deer. And I am a non-NRA member gun owner and have hunted with a bolt action rifle and eaten/donated the resulting venison. AR-15’s are for video game-like fantasy, not sport.


Thanks for clearing that up, folks. And Ted Cruz is still a fat-assed, smarmy, kazoo-voiced dweeb. And don’t forget, y’all, he went to two, count 'em, two of those elitist, Ivy League colleges.

Note to Maxwell’sDemon: Amen, sir.


A distinction without a difference. The AR-15 is essentially an M-16 with the selector for semi- and full-automatic set only to semi-automatic firing. I mention this, because the idea that the AR-15 is a true sportsman’s rifle is bunk.


“It’s a modern sportsman’s gun.”

Yeah…it’s the civilian version of the M-16 the military uses.

So there is no plan on how to deal with the festering issues this great country faces, there is no economic plan, no plan on how to get congress to do its job, no plan to (in Trump’s words) “make America great again.” Not even an immigration plan (Oh I forget, deport them all he says). Definitely no replacement plan for Obamacare. To give credit where due, there is a plan to defund Planned Parenthood though.

All that matters to Teddy boy is shooting a firearm so you can eat bacon off it.

And that is what makes him qualified to be President of the United States.


¿Que es mas macho?

Ted Cruz or Lloyd Bridges?


Compensating much? And couldn’t even get the bacon up?

Ricardo "Rich Corinthian Leather’ Montalban…


“AR-15 bacon just doesn’t have the same ring as machine gun bacon,”

There you have Cruz in a nutshell. The falsehood sounded better so that’s what you say.


" I eat what I kill"…groan. So did Jeffrey Dahmer. Let me see if I can best that. I have never shot at anything that did not shoot back. Often they used real machine guns to shoot back.

““It’s an AR-15 rifle. It’s a 5.56-caliber,” Central Iowa Impact gun
range co-owner Shannon Halsrud told TPM. “It’s a modern sportsman’s

I beg to differ…unless military combat is a “sport”.

All well and good for a vegan, however, those who are still carnivores do far worse given the way the meat that ends up in the grocer was treated. Far more humane to cull an overpopulated deer herd to keep so many from starving to death over the winter, in the humane manner most hunters practice.



“It’s a modern sportsman’s gun.”

Yeah…it’s the civilian version of the M-16 the military uses.

Both weapons are for the modern sport of hunting libs. May the odds ever be in your favor (until they’re not), Ted.

Next time he should try frying an egg with his AR-15.

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Shorter version: Cruz is a moronic asshole.

He could roast a shishkabob on one of Bo Duke’s arrows for all I care, it would still be a foolish stunt. I’d respect a sportsman who said, “I’m giving up hunting while I serve in office, because it would be too dangerous to fire a rifle in the woods with a bunch of reporters following me around.”

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“He was a good shot. It was a fun event,” she said.

Anyone who has to rely on bacon to be a good shot should be disqualified from being President of the United States. Just sayin’.

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Stunts like this should disqualify Ted Cruz from holding public office. Using a firearm for anything other than what it was intended is irresponsible as hell.

To me, this stunt alone proves the man is a phony.