Discussion: <span class="message_content">Redditors Asked Chuck Todd A Lot Of Questions About His Grooming Habits<div id="msg_1409937537_000077" class=" message show_user avatar divider" data-ts="1409937537.000077">

Discussion for article #227311

Do people really care about this stuff? All I want from “journalists” is for them to do their homework and ask smart questions (and I think NBC is overdoing it with all of the personal information they are promoting about Todd; are they hoping to make him more likable?)


Of all the questions he could have been asked, like “Why do you suck up to McCain?” “Why do you always take a contrarian view regarding anything and everything the President does,” Reddit users ask about conditioner?

This is one of the reasons I despise social media and its adherents.


Hard hitting questions from dimplejuice. Impressive.


Hark, is that a Big Russ on the horizon?

Now that’s what I call “edgy!”


I could be wrong and probably so but I think the purpose of these trivial questions was to trivialize Chuck Todd.

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Good lord, what depth…

But after reading this nugget here:

“Todd, the consummate everyman, told Reddit user sframe9 that he generally goes for “whatever is in the shower.””

Even TPM is shilling for Toady Todd…“The consummate everyman”??? I give up. Waste someone else’s time.


Precisely! The other posters completely missed the boat here. Dick Cavett was famous for this same approach. Whenever his guest was someone whose value to the world had nothing to do with their intellect, Cavett would pose probing moral and ethical questions. When his guests were serious people, Cavett would ask what toothpaste they used.

Not that Todd is particularly serious, but getting him to talk about shampoo not only makes him sound clownish, but creates the impression that this is all he has to offer the world.


Good hypothesis - I hadn’t thought of it that way. (It does make him seem trivial to be discussing hair conditioner.)

“…every time I look in the mirror and at that beard, I see my late father,…”

His father had a lopsided goatee too ?

How about giving us some personal information about yourself? That may make you more likable.

Did anyone ask if he’d been given a tapeworm to lose weight?


What? I am not going to host a national news program. And I am here just to post opinions and read comments like everyone else. I don’t know why you have decided I am not “likable,” but I think that is your problem.

Someone did. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2fk1hv/im_chuck_todd_nbcs_political_director_since_2007/ck9z3vf

But Chuck didn’t respond to that one.

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This is getting tabloid creepy. If I were the president, I would cancel the interview.

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Nope, it’s Little Luke :wink:

gag retch

The 1% won’t let go of their Sunday report and replacing Dancing Dave with his doppelganger isn’t fooling anyone.

Why can’t we just have honest to goodness journalists rather than celebrity news deliverers? The cult of celebrity in this is sickening.