Discussion: SpaceX Dragon Returns To Earth From Space Station

Discussion for article #222874

Private industry space flight means you can make money in space and still believe Jeezus made the universe 6000 years ago!

Science…who needs it to make a profit?

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“…Dragon is the only supply ship capable of returning items to Earth…”

Where else?


About a week or so ago Putin threatened to sanction America by denying America the use of their spaceships after 2020. It seems the Dragon is going to beat that date by three years. Of course, everybody has known that for a long time. I wonder how many breathless media types thought Putin’s threat was a real threat?

Pour some more money into SpaceX and Orbital to speed their progress in getting cargo and human-rated capsules finished. Then pour some money into NASA (and probably Space Launch, aka Boeing) to accelerate the heavy lift rocket program.

That would boos the economy and stick it to Putin.

Holy crap! Even Pat Robertson ridicules those “new earthers”. Either way, fundy’s or evangelicals would squeeze the earth dry of anything with a profit margin and toss away the empty shell…‘cause they’re goin’ to Graceland!


Way to go SpaceX! This new little company is kicking Boeing and Lockheed’s ass. With all their government contracts and million $ lobbyists, those behemoth defance contractors can’t keep up with Elon Musk’s SpaceX. Wow, SpaceX and Tesla…amazing!

…how about a solar-charged maglev launch track? Instead of burning our way to space, we could cut down on fossil fuel propellants by inventing this excellent and potentially renewable-energy-driven alternative.