Discussion for article #241221
“This is good ol’ Harrisburg,” Pohlmann said. “This doesn’t happen here.”
What about the gun? Was it injured? Is it OK? No one ever thinks about the guns.
“This is good ol’ Harrisburg,” Pohlmann said. “This doesn’t happen here.”
And Adam Lanza had never shot anyone before that day…
Yes, it does happen there And everywhere else, America. Get used to it.
“This is good ol’ Harrisburg,” Pohlmann said. “This doesn’t happen here.”
Um, sir, this is the United States. Random, senseless gun violence is a feature, not a bug.
Jeez, this is a close one. My wife subs in the Harrisburg system all the time. Luckily, she was not called today. We live in Sioux Falls. Harrisburg is the large system which is just south of town. Essentially it is a suburb of Sioux Falls. The high school is not a huge one. It is in the second tier of SD high schools size-wise.
All of these incidents are craziness of course.
Just 8 months ago, a guy brought a gun to work in a town near Harrisburg and killed someone, then himself. Yet SD is not TX or other real gun-nut states.
One thing about Harrisburg - it is growing like crazy. The HS has 635, which is roughly 180 per class. However, in the same system, there are about 20 1st grade classes of 30 each. So, in 10 years, they are gonna need 2 new HS campi.
Yea really, I saw a list of the top 10 states by number of gun deaths and SD wasn’t in the list but most were southern and western states.
Apparently the asst principal tackled the suspect after he fired the initial shot. In a situation in which the principal was armed, you would have a dead kid. Now we have a live kid, who is in a bunch of trouble for sure.
In Sioux Falls, largest city of the state, we do not have the active open-carry types. I think we have open carry, but I’m not even sure, since I don’t see a lot of guns. There’s one gun store in SF.
Was the list of gun deaths total deaths (count) or deaths per 100,000 (adjusted rate)? SD is a state with a small population. If we had a high rate of gun deaths, we would still have a small number of them.
Since most of SDs growth has been due to fracking and that industry is diminishing, I wouldn’t start building those new campuses just yet.
BTW, they’re probably gonna find that the student perp in this incident is the child of a fracker from Texas … they don’t travel anywhere without their gunz.
Nope, that’s ND. The growth in SD has been due mostly to financial services and the med care system. Unemployment in Sioux Falls is usually around 3%. Lot of jobs available, but many are on the lower end.
Where there are guns, there is potential for mayhem. Really no way around that.
Well remember, South Dakota only has 853,175 residents.
That is smaller than most eastern cities, or Las Vegas on New Years Eve.
“This is good ol’ Harrisburg,” Pohlmann said. “This doesn’t happen here.”
I’m sorry, but unless Harrisburg, SD is no longer a part of the United States, then it most certainly does happen here. And a lot. Welcome to the Century of the Gun.
Yes per 100k. Includes suicides too which in my mind are not quite the same thing but definitely seems like having a gun might make that easier than if you didn’t. I’ve know quite a few folks in my 54 years that have taken their own life in various ways with the most recent my father in law using a gun no one realized he still had. Had a former roommate in college that used a car and garden hose. If you’re brain is really pushing you to do it you’ll find a way.
Sorry about the Father in law. Suicide is very hard on the only ones around to know about it.
Gun issues certainly must include suicides. I am going to write a LTTE about this situation. How did this kid get the gun? If you are a gun owner, it had better be secured. The parent is responsible for this outrage in a school. My wife suggested that we need screening (i.e., like in the airports) at all schools now. Geezus, I do NOT want to go that way. We are not an armed society, or should not be.
He’d always said he didn’t want to wind up in a nursing home like his mom. However he almost did because it didn’t kill him, but he was gone enough. So after everyone had a chance to say goodbye in person, they took him off life support and let him go. I suppose at least he was ready.