Discussion for article #245841
Well that was interesting. The bit has a chart that shows Trump on the rise with a commanding lead, Cruz slightly off and at least 15 points below Trump but claims Trump’s going to have problems because he’s a “yankee”. He’s not…he’s from New York but I don’t get what the point is in refuting the obvious. Trump will win SC unless there is a huge shift that’s so far not palpable.
It’s comforting to know that the reasonable alternative, Rubio, has the endorsement of statesman Trey “Draco” Malfoy. Perhaps the South Carolina wiz can serve as attorney general in the “moderate” Rubio Administration.
South Carolina…I suppose this means the decorum that has characterized the GOP primary so far is about to end?
Picking eight out of nine is still a pretty good return.
But all bets are off with this election year.
Well, Trump is still a Yankee, so there’s that.
SC primary: where ratf**king is high art. (see: any election where Karl Rove/Lee Atwater were involved). Should be exciting. My money is on Cruz to win the most despicable campaign crown here.
Oh yes, South Carolina is where the gloves will truly come off
Again, is it too much to ask to distinguish between evangelicals and Christians? Much as Southern Baptists would like you to believe, the terms are not synonymous, and it’s sloppy journalism to buy into this sort of thing.
“Right now, I just see it as really muddled,” David Woodard, a political science professor and pollster based at Clemson University, said Wednesday morning as attention shifted from New Hampshire to South Carolina. … “Trump has finally won a primary and he looks formidable, but he is also a Yankee from New York and they haven’t done well down here,” Woodard said.
We can probably expect Cubanadian pseudo-Texan Cruz to finish closer in SC than he did in NH. I doubt he’ll win it outright, but Kasich and Christie are both from the North too, while Jeb and Rubio are both toast.
So that leaves Cruz to collect the votes of most of the late deciders and people whose candidates have dropped out or become unviable. Sure, Jeb has put a lot of effort into SC, so he might pick up some votes too, but not enough to become a factor in the race.
So 4 data points (only non-incumbent primaries really matter) to work with… and that is enough to make a narrative out of?
One of these persons is a diabolical, insidious traitor. The other is Draco Malfoy.
There’s certainly a distinction, but for purely political purposes it may not be relevant—Evangelical Christians have been a potent electoral voting bloc ever since Falwell and other prominent Evangelical leaders became directly involved in partisan politics on behalf of the GOP in the late 1970s. The singular advantage that gives the GOP is that Evangelicals vote regularly, consistently, and virtually only for Republicans. The Methodists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and Catholics are much more diverse in the political preferences of their members, and don’t constitute voting blocs per se the way Evangelicals do.
Half of those were reelection bids by a sitting POTUS. In other words a useless metric.
It is next to worthless as a predictor, like most of the saws that the pundits and media try to erect.
The Wingnutto State is Cruz’s natural turf, and if Trump comes down and steals it from him, that does not augur well for that greasily unctuous shitstain.
Thinking now of the Bush campaign smear on John McCain “fathering” a minority child. That was pretty scummy, and Cruz will have to dig pretty deep - as in live boy or dead woman - to get under it.
WoooooWeeee! I just can’t wait to see what creatures turn up for the South Carolina GOP in the upcoming primary. Oooo! I’m guessing we’ll get the absolute full cornucopia of smears and hate: The shrieking Racist Jeebus’ Freak Fundies; the Redneck Brigades who festoon Confederate flags to their 4-wheel drive vehicles; The Gun Humping Howlers involuntarily speaking in tongues; the Babble’ clutching holier-than-thou types who stridently oppose gay people but indulge in the gay sex trade; the Fiorina-sees-em’ whackos with the graphic abortion pictures; the fools who attend Christian rock concerts; the unemployed on welfare who hate people on welfare; the old rednecks olds on social security and Medicare who hate the BigGummit’!
Ahhhh…The Palmetto State will not disappoint. It provides a lovely cross section…
Candidate heavily pushing racist message is in the lead in South Carolina?
Why that’s…just so unexpected.
If Cruz and his Ted-ophiles prayers were answered, the donnie’s plane would crash land and there would be no survivors…except for the hair.
Which leads me to believe that there’s no doG.
To my understanding, three GOP candidates are out. Here they are, with their NH %'s
Paul… .67%
Fiorina… 4.12%
Christie… 7.42%
total… 12.21%
Where do these people go, in South Carolina?