Discussion: Sorry Trump, A Top FBI Official's Departure Isn’t As Sketchy As You Think


Another Trump lie? So, how’s that news?

It is too bad that McCabe won’t be there to watch the perp walks (unless Mueller comes up with more indictments in the next couple of months), but he can see them on TV.


Since Mr. McCabe won’t be fully vested until March, what are the odds Hair Furor fires him before that time, just to be his usual spiteful, petty self?


Could this be the next perp walk? Credit to Natasha Bertrand at Business Insider (one of the best young reporters out there) — “It is not surprising that federal investigators have begun to examine the possibility that Russia and the Trump campaign helped each other during the election. Investigators have been looking into whether Russia provided the campaign with voter information stolen by Russian hackers from election databases in several states, and whether the Trump campaign helped Russia target its political ads to specific demographics and voting precincts.”


Exactly my thoughts, too.

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He is a civil servant and I believe -maybe wrong- that he is protected by the rules/laws that apply. No doubt Trump would love to see him gone but he will stay until official retirement.


At least she didn’t display her ta-tas in photographs so adolescent boys could get their rocks off.

Yes, let’s debate who is the better person.

Like Mr. McCabe, I was a career senior executive in a civilian agency of the Federal Government. After crediting my military service and my unused sick leave, I retired with slightly more than 32 years of government service, I concluded I would receive more than 50% of my pay if I retired. If I stayed, I would therefore be being paid less than 50% for continuing to work a full time job. Outside of government I quickly found a job, in my same field, that paid about the same as I had earned inside the government and pocketed my retirement pay to boot.


Potty-mouth President sprays verbal feces at another long-standing public servant who’s a couple of orders of magnitude more honorable than he. Carry on good people of civil service and ignore the poo-flinging orangutan in the corner.


McCabe on the outside my be more of a problem than McCabe on the inside.


Trump is famous for his patience…


Once again,the GOP POTUS is disparaging and damaging another person’s reputation purely for personal reasons. What a f**king disgrace of a POTUS.


This highlights the remarkable public sector pension benefit more than it does anything else.

I know a guy in Chicago who went to work at 18 and retired at 48, with benefits. I know someone who works at the Senate and made good money at 33. She told me that she’d be vested after 5 or 6 years. Not sure when she could collect tho.

Rick Perry “retired” from being governor so he could get his pension and still get paid for being governor of texas a second time.

I got to retire at 55 (own business) so no complaints from me. But the public sector pensions are an eye opener, and they are on the block in lots of places.


This is something I’ve been saying for the past few weeks. All of this crap that Trump and Nunes are throwing at the FBI is a lot of hot air for the Fox News crowd. McCabe is a career employee who cannot be fired except for cause. McCabe is due to earn a full pension at retirement in early 2018. In addition, Chris Wray as the FBI Director has the right to appoint his own team, just as Comey appointed his after he followed Mueller. A move was a natural thing for him.

The only thing Trump did here is slander another person (for which I hope McCabe sues his ass, but only after he has testified in court or to Mueller under oath about what transpired re: #trumprussia) and alerted FBI agents that Trump will destroy anyone who gets in his way. That usually inspires more leaking, not less, as today’s articles indicate.


Totally totally agree. They really can’t purge anything. They’re just trying to set up a way to say they didn’t do anything wrong when they obviously did.


I am old enough to remember when many private sector workers would look at generous government benefits and pensions and say “hey, private sector workers like me should have those kinds of benefits too.”

Now many private sector workers seem to have given up on that and instead their response is “I don’t have those things and never will, so they shouldn’t either.”

It’s the Lowering Expectations Relay – another craptastic event in the Great American Race To The Bottom.


Republicans would condemn most of us to work until we die, but we should not envy the government workers who rightfully don’t have to. We should demand to be treated better by the private sector, instead. We should vote :ballot_box: for representatives who will make that happen.


I also think that this is one big fall back march to where the Trump crew admits: yes we tried to stop the inquiry, yes we obstructed justice, yes we conspired with the Russians to beat Hillary, but it didn’t affect the outcome so we should get a pass.

That is a very weak position for the Trumpers because they’ll still be convicted as ‘success’ in any conspiracy or other crime is not a requirement for conviction under the alleged crimes that have been discussed.


I totally agree. It’s really a last gasp and I know that but god they do hang on like ticks or a particularly nasty form of sticker.


Even if private business matched 401k contributions at the rate many colleges and universities do, that would be a huge help. University plans are often very generous.

If they aren’t going to provide defined benefit plans, they could do a lot more with the defined contribution part.