Discussion: Sorry Ted Cruz, It Doesn’t Look Like GOPers Want To Defund O'care This Year

yeh yeh… unicorns rainbows kumbaya… wake me when it’s on the President’s desk for signature…


First time for everything, huh? MockTurtle ready to schedule the hearings for Garland then?


Screw the GOP.

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“Senator Blunt and the Republican leadership have made it a priority to get back to regular order and get to work after the GOP takeover of Senate leadership,”

Umm, wasn’t that a couple of years or so back? “A priority…”?! I’d hate to have these clowns running, oh say, a fire department or staffing an emergency room.


Cruz’ photo is only click-bait on this article. We can dump him in the trash bin of history now, being so irrelevant and, well, downright disgusting in every way, including appearance. Time to remove him from all radar screens except for those which might humiliate him, which is now easy since he’s humiliated himself anyhow (clueless, and has no idea he’s clueless and disgusting - to just about everyone on the planet).

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So the gridlock in Washington was entirely due to an infestation of Cruz and all it took to get it working again was to get Sanctimonious Ted out of town campaigning for President? Sounds plausible to me.


There is no placating Ted Cruz. So why bother trying?” the aide told Morning Consult. “He’s like the Queen in Alice in Wonderland. He expects us to believe in six impossible things before breakfast.”

Oh Rafael… You’re going to make Rodney Dangerfield look like the most respected man in history now that you are of zero use to the GOP! Enjoy the cold shoulders.


“Senator Blunt and the Republican leadership have made it a priority to get back to regular order and get to work after the GOP takeover of Senate leadership,” Brian Hart, Blunt’s spokesman, said in an email to TPM.

It is now 2016. They took over the Senate in 2014. That was back when they still thought they could control their base by feeding hem BS, not providing any services at all and blocking the two term Black man in the White House.

Now it turns out that their base is angry, ANGRY, over many things and one of them is that Congress hasn’t done anything for them while still blocking the two term Black man in the White House.

So, - now Senate GOP has to start governing. Quietly.


How the mighty have fallen. He garnered almost no support from his fellow Senators and, worst of all, went ahead and got blown out by Trump. His colleagues no longer fear him.

Just more collateral damage from that pandestructive Trump whirlwind.


I hope this is the case. He really is a worm of the first order.

Ted Cruz may act like an asshole, he may sound like an asshole, he can strut around like an asshole but don’t be fooled ladies and gentlemen!

Because Ted Cruz really is an Asshole. In fact he’s the King of the Tex Ass Holes!


One term Teddy is going DOWN in 2018. You know McConnell and Cornyn have had enough of him!


A real profile in courage these GOPers. They withered hiding behind Cruz for years but now they have found the balls to almost pass a fully funded, typical government appropriations bill since Ted lost his mojo.
Otherwise, they’d be hiding and blocking just like the good old days.

The military got their fat budget with a little increase I believe, just to show where there priorities are at.


The Carnival Cruz’ is over, huh?


I read a while ago that what he’d really like, after the idea of being POTUS, is the governor’s mansion in Texas. I believe that a lot. He’d have more ability to unleash damage directly onto the population than being a Senator.



Ted Cruz? Who’s Ted Cruz?


As a fire department, there would only be one fire, so that it IS something…

…of course that one fire would burn down the entire town, but still…just one fire.

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That’s been the story ever since he got elected to the Senate; that he would d one term and then come around in 2018 and go after whoever replaced Perry (which is Abbot now, an even easier opponent). In many ways the Presidential bid was a dry run for the governor’s mansion that just did a bit better than expected.

Cruz is still a young man…1 term as Senator, 2 terms as Governor, and he is back out there competing for the nomination, with a bit more experience under his belt.

Or he will cede from the union and run Texas as his own private empire. One or the other.