Discussion: Some Senate GOPers Skeptical Of Exxon CEO Tillerson's Ties To Russia

The unravelling has begun.


Hope springs eternal…


But Codi and a whole bunch of Bush administration folks connect to big oil think he’d be a great SoS.

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That person seems to forget that the Senate is institutionally opposed to the Executive, whoever the Executive might be. The Senate may let things slide, but when push comes to shove, they will always fight.

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So this may be about to happen:
but we shouldn’t worry, because of these:

which will be led by these:


I have been sober for 30 years, but when Lindsey, John and Marco appear to be on my side it may be time to reconsider that.

In truth, John and Lindsey have one ball sack between them, but Marco is such a smarmy unprincipled hack he is just testing the waters with his brave little tweet and he will pull his head back in the second one of his donors tells him to shut up.


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Little) Strikes Again!

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I wouldn’t count on any of them to stand up for the country. They haven’t done it since Obama took office and I doubt they will change. I believe republicans will surrender America to Russia if doing so keep them in power. I have absolutely no faith that the GOP has any concerns for our country and for Americans who don’t belong to the top 1%. Just look at Trump’s cabinet: not one soul who understands what does it means to live paycheck to paycheck. I don’t count Ben Carson because he has forgotten.


this is like getting attacked by a Chihuahua

If you think Tillerson is a good pick for Secretary of State, I have some swamp in Siberia for sale…


Anyone who thinks the GOP won’t fall in line and confirm the Yam’s picks should contact me immediately via email. I am a princess that would like assistance in transferring $1,000,000,000 out of Nigeria. I will pay for your help. Just kindly provide your name, address, social security number and bank account info. Very urgent, act fast!

In advance, thanks suckers!


Remember that another candidate for SoS had links to gas outfits too.

But but but…HILLARY! dammit gave SPEECHES to Wall Street and got PAID for them…


But HILLARY had a private email server that could have been HACKED!!


[quote=“austin_dave, post:15, topic:48330, full:true”]
But HILLARY had a private email server that could have been HACKED!!
[/quote]But, wasn’t hacked. And that’s why it has no Russian fingerprints on it. And so John Bolton says since Hillary’s un-hacked server has no Russian fingerprints, that shows how smart and sneaky they are, and therefore the Russians could not be responsible for hacking the DNC because there are Russian fingerprints on that bit of espionage. The abilities of the U.S. intelligence agencies are, of course, nil.

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Really, we as a nation are now pinning our hopes on Marco Rubio to save us?

I can only pray that he’s used his first term experience and the fact that he felt ashamed of his behavior during the primary campaign to become a better man and a better senator during his upcoming second term.

Stranger things have happened.

But i’m not going to bet the farm on it.

(Unrelated, but Morning Joe thinks this is a fabulous! pick, based on my 5 minute viewing ration today)

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Down the rabbit hole we go!


I’ve been wishing there were more to-the-point and point-by-point analysis of why specifically Russia/Putin wanted to influence our election, why so many dodgy characters with Russian ties are clustered around Trump. This dkos diary published today pulls together a narrative that makes sense to me. I can’t vouch for the accuracy, I’m not an expert, but I would like to see more of this type of analysis (I’m looking at you, TPM/JM, as an outlet that excels at this sort of thorough research and synthesis) and to have things spelled out better for me by the media, which seems to focus on “Putin, bad man,” Putin interfere in elections, bad thing." It’s not so much that it’s scandalous to have a foreign power meddling in our political process, it’s why and how the (immense) beneficiaries are not just Russian oligarchs. I feel like I need a crash course in post-Soviet Russian kleptocracy, Trump interests and aspirations in Russia, the oil business, Exxon-Mobil’s interests, Arctic drilling, who benefits from Russian influence in the U.S., etc. to understand the mother of all conflicts of interest that seems to be at the heart of the Trump presidency. It looks like dirty (figuratively and literally) global deal-making being the organizing principle for our government and foreign policy. Perhaps the real-estate business is small potatoes compared to the petroleum angle.