Discussion: Some Delegates Rage Against Cruz's Non-Endorsement: 'It Was All About Him'

All about him, doesn’t he know it supposed to be all about t̶h̶e̶ ̶U̶S̶A̶ Trump!??

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Trump supporter criticizes Cruz for being ill-mannered, self-centered, and only out for himself. Do I have that right?


Is there another group so freakin’ CLUELESS on the face of the Earth? Oh THAT’S right. Trump thinks ‘just like them’. THAT must be it. However, THIS little nugget is what has me shaking my head

“He said vote your conscience and the only way you could vote your conscience and stay within the Constitution is with Donald Trump, because Hillary is going to take away and change the Constitution,”

Is this the new meme for Hillary? Kind of like Obama and guns that they started in 2008, still use as a club and has NEVER HAPPENED? HILLARY is gonna change the Constitution? To the group that has done EVERYTHING they can to change it? I always forget how much stupidity is in this country

No, it is the old 2nd amendment “They are coming for your guns” thing, been used the last 8 years

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Hey, fat twins, it has and will always be about him. He doesn’t give a crap about you.

You were foolish to think it ever was anything but cruz propaganda!

“He said vote your conscience and the only way you could vote your
conscience and stay within the Constitution is with Donald Trump,
because Hillary is going to take away and change the Constitution,”

Yeah, she’s going to do away with that pesky Article 12

The right wing in this country has always had a hard time grasping irony
or self-awareness for that matter