Discussion: Some Conservatives Are Freaking About Trump's Nomination Killing The GOP

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Instead of happy warriors, they are angry, bitter bigots

Reality sucks, GOP’ers…


May the modern GOP rot in hell, along with the festering corpse of Nino Scalia, the John the Fascist to Trump’s Cheeto Jesus.


It’s really not that Trump doesn’t lie, He just doesn’t tell the RIGHT lies . . .


T and P both actually admired her before they hated her


Another veteran GOP insider and friend of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Ana Navarro, locked horns with a resident Trump surrogate on CNN, calling Trump’s address “not Republicanism.”

This would be the second (?) time that Navarro has went at it with a Trump surrogate.


Hey, you reap what you sew!

In this case, a number of uninformed assholes sewed the ground work to reap an even more uninformed asshole, who is also a draft dodging coward.


And it won’t be the last…




Ben Howe actually is making a good point. Back in the 1920s when Hitler first came to prominence, he was just another politician. Nobody knew what was going to happen, and they wouldn’t have believed it if you told them.

I know we’re not supposed to bring up the Nazis. But doesn’t that ignore the most important political event of our times, the fact that a band of murdering fanatics was voted into office in a developed, highly-educated Western democracy?


Ronald Reagan–>Bush II–>Sarah Palin–>Donald Trump

Plus Fox News.


somewhat disagree

Folks had a decent idea as to what Hitler was about. However between chaos in the streets and leaders who lost favor, Hitler was unfortunately perfect for those times.


You can’t kill this monster, Dr. Frankenstein. Congratulations.


You know things are really, really bad when the GOP starts eating its own. I do hope this is a sign of political change in this country. We need a centrist party and a truly liberal party in order to move forward.


VERY slow learners these shrieking Cons and freaked out Rightie pundits (who are as much responsible for Trump’s presence as anyone), but some seem to ‘get him’ at last:


For those Republicans wondering what happened to their party, look no further than the other major headline of the week: Roger Ailes being ousted from Fox News. For years, Ailes and Fox have empowered the extreme right wing of the GOP by giving free air time to every kooky idea out there, no matter how insane it sounded. Birthers, NRA, Benghazi, Ted Nugent, George Zimmerman, all the way up to the prime-timers O’Reilly and Hannity (and Glenn Beck for a while, too)-- all were given free air time to spew the most disgusting, vile, racist, unfounded, unprovable tripe imaginable, without so much as a challenge from the talking heads at Fox. They’ve even been Trump’s charitable campaign headquarters, giving him more free air time than any of the other GOP candidates to say whatever comes into head. It’s because you have allowed Ailes to basically set the agenda for your party that your party is in the mess it’s in. You allowed him to set the tone for this and any other future Republican conventions. I don’t know if things will drastically change now that Ailes no longer runs the network, but if the Murdochs will do the right thing and clean house at the place, maybe, just maybe, they can also restore some sanity to your party as well.


And America doesn’t have the benefit of a “highly-educated” electorate.

And Goebbels didn’t have Fox or AM radio.


“I’m sure in the original German the speech had some nuances that were commendable,” [Erick Erickson] wrote.

Stealing a punchline from the late Molly Ivins, I see. Jesus, these people can’t even write their own material.


I have a message for Erick “David Souter is a goat-fucking child molester” Erickson:

You built that, asshole. Now shut the fuck up and enjoy living in that white trash trailer with the big Trump sign plastered on the windshield of the rusting F-150 up on blocks in the front yard with the Confederate flag decal on the bumper and the truck nutz hanging from the trailer hitch.

Maybe the oxycontin will help ease the pain. Or meth. These folks would be fun to party with, I bet.


You helped make him Cons, so stop your bitching and enjoy your ride. At this point not even Bette Davis could shake a scintilla of sense into even one of his sheople devotees.

#He’s all yours. You built that.