Discussion: Social Media Lights Up With Accounts Of Alleged Harassment Following Trump's Win

The Trump Effect.


I don’t want to live here any more. No one is safe. No one is secure. Republicans own this and instead of addressing it they are using their power to inflict more pain. Not McConnell, not McCain, not Ryan, not one.


I’m pretty sure that none of these events happened, because Chief Justice Roberts told us in 2013 that racism didn’t exist anymore and that’s why he was gutting the Voting Rights Act.

Who you gonna believe - a bunch of people with photos and video of the events or the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?


I’m using #TrumpProud when I post these to FB / twitter.


Day 3, how’s it going so far?

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I don’t know your individual races, but as an Indian-American I have been targeted by more racist vitriol in the last year than I have in the preceding 33 years combined. I had a man accost me at a car dealership a year ago, screaming at my mother and me that while we were in his country we had to follow his rules, because I had my feet up on a table (no he did not work there). I’ve since been told multiple times that “You sound American, but you sure don’t LOOK American.” And Tuesday, I got told that roughly half of the people who care enough about this country to vote do not think I’m a “real American” and condone this behavior. I don’t belong in india, I barely speak any Hindi or Telugu. So where the hell am I supposed to go when they tell me to go back to my country? Mexico and Canada are looking good.

The sad thing? I have family friends who are gleeful about trump winning. And honestly. I want them to experience something like this. Just to understand that just because he hasn’t singled Indians or Hindus out yet, his deplorables still want us gone.

Seriously, all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing, and I feel like that’s what all the people who didn’t vote out of complacency or “lack of enthusiasm” did this Tuesday. I feel like a stranger in my own country.


I posted this on FB this morning. It’s from a long-time journalist friend whose husband works for a prominent news organization in DC: Some disturbing news, folks: In recent days several members of the media – friends and colleagues of mine – have received horrifying anti-Semitic hate mail – AT THEIR HOMES. Upon further digging, it turns out that a pro-Trump, white supremacist web site has been publishing long lists of home addresses of virtually every major media figure in political journalism, specifically targeting those who are Jewish or have Jewish-sounding names. Plus just people whose names are at the top of publications. They are encouraging their followers to “doxx” these people – send mail, packages, threats, pizza deliveries, or even call the police to report crimes at these homes. I have seen the web site and looked at the lists.


Politico: [Journalists fear for their profession under Trump – and some, for their safety] 1


Anyone know of any kind of grassroots funding to give this guys protection? I have been long been worried for Sopan Deb, Katy Tur, Kurt Eichenwald and David Fahrenthold.

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Would you post the link?

Only 1453 left to go.
Or 2090 left to go.
Or we’ll never see the end of this.

Take your pick.


Probably get plenty of re-tweets with a ‘FuCK yeaH!!1’ for emphasis.


trump has given these racist cowards the cover they need to act on their worst impulses


Anybody could have predicted that the morons who voted for this psychopath would think that they now have a license to act this way.
Don’t you love those two who drove around a women’s college scaring the girls? Too bad there weren’t any guys from a football team around at the time.
Man that take a lot of guts to scare the girls. Some bunch of losers.


Donald Trump, the racist gift that keeps on giving . . . exponentially!


Just listened to a report on Public radio with 2 teachers talking about how the kids have been acting out at school. One child (pre-K) came to school with a trump cap and told everyone that his parents told him that he did not have to be PC anymore.



The events happened, but there was no racism involved. The perpetrators were just expressing their anxiety over the jobs they have lost to nonwhite students in middle school, high school, and college.


Make America better than HIM.

He has already drug us down into the gutter. Now he’s going to flush the country down the toilet. For all his talk and bravado of being so smart and a winner, he did go bankrupt too many times for it to be a fluke. And he does owe money to the Russians. And he has elevated the Aryan Nation and its bigotry onto a pedestal.

How much further down in the gutter can he go after conning people into voting for what he told them would be a fascist demagogue?

He’s already said that he doesn’t care if Japan gets a nuclear bomb or if he has to use one… knowing full well that we would be bombed in return. It doesn’t bother him. Nuclear winter just doesn’t phase him.

It’s going to get a lot harder on everyone when he becomes president. But it is going to be especially hard on him and his supporters. He isn’t even half as smart as he thinks he is and he attracts only the the worst and the worst in people.

The worst part for him is that he knows it. When he met with President Obama it had to have hit him hard how unprepared he is and unfit. And that the people he needs most to succeed as a president won’t ever have anything to do with him. So he is doomed to failure. He won’t be able to con his way out of that.

And with that I’m not going to talk about him any longer. He’s not worthy of my time. We need to start formulating how we can work around him and his insane insecurity…until he inevitably implodes and hopefully we’ve planned well enough that the doesn’t take us all with him.

We will overcome as Democrats always do. You can believe me.


Scary. Hitler youth.

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