Discussion for article #231417
Bottom line: mind your own fucking business.
If you are publish stuff like this, please make the articles brief. My attention for this flags at about the 45 second mark.
Reading is Fundamental.
Do you have the same problem getting through a book?
If you didn’t like the article because of what it said or the subject matter, maybe you could comment on that by being specific. Or ignore it altogether. But to go after it because of length, just seems silly.
My only question would be, why didn’t he change his name? Or go by his middle name?
Mine also but managed to get about halfway through. Started as an interesting story but turned Oprahesque with nothing but hopelessly boring chatter (what to do what to do OMG world ending!) till the end when she writes “When it comes to welcoming his wonderful and flawed self into my wonderful and flawed family, he’ll fit right in.” Enuf said.
Why is this article on TPM? It seems like a fine bit for lifestyle sites, but I don’t really see the politics or policy connection here? TPM is nice precisely because its focussed; the last thing I want is another HuffPo or BuzzFeed.
Really, TPM is trolling for clicks this way? Josh should be ashamed of himself.
The author should be ashamed of herself as well. The only sex scandal here is in the mind of the author.
For me the story did not fulfill the promise of gratuitous and unnatural sex. Not one chicken, gerbil or goat in a cat suit with whip in hoof.
IMHO this article was lifted straight from the cover of a National Enquirer that I could have read in the check out line at my local Piggly Wiggly.
is this part of tpm’s death rattle?
I skimmed this for dirty language and then went right to the comments.
It was well-written and very insightful. I wanted to read it to the end.
Once again you have exposed me and the motivation behind my criticism! But I so do love a good story. Unfortunately this was like a bad TV movie that keeps getting worse and you’re so tempted to turn off but can’t as you have too much time invested.
No no, not Obama’s fault this time but I will first confer with gasbag Rep King and Crazy I’m-really-still Mayor Rudy - and get back to you before giving the pres a pass…
I have probably read about 3,000 books, mostly social science, in my lifetime. So, this is more a comment about what I consider to be “fluff” pieces on a serious news site. I find them–briefly–entertaining. Others might have greater patience. I was seeing this comment as free market research for TPM.
Yeah, you nailed it.
Obviously TPM forgot that their website caters to you only. I am sure they will try to do better next time.
I seem to have flown through a worm hole and landed at the Huffington Post. Do we have any political news left? I like that better…
I thought it was pretty good too. It went in a different direction than I thought it would when I began reading it. I’m so conditioned to the clickbait type shit with headlines like this one, that I expected it to be more of the same. But when she went into discussing privacy rights, and being forced to live your life in shame for something that was posted years ago for a one-time wrong turn online, it made the article more of a universal concern. Her feelings about it and the impact it has on others was insightful.
I don’t use Facebook or use Twitter, but even comments made online live forever, even though some of us may grow older and change our views later in life, they still show a side of us we may later have to come to terms with or defend. And the idea of hacking personal information, or being filmed and put up on YouTube without a person’s permission could reasonably happen to any one of us.
I cannot quite agree; future in-laws ARE one’s business. But I do agree with other commenters–the author buried the lede in the last graph, that human beings are flawed. Big deal; not news.
The only difference now is that hurtful gossip can be dialed up through the internet, rather than passed mouth-to-ear. And always, the only effective antidote is to live one’s life disproving the gossip.
It’s amazing to me how people who know this could happen to them continue to put “questionable” crap out there.
Stupidity? Arrogance? Can’t happen to me-ism?