Discussion: Shutdown Looms After House Caves To Trump On Funding Bill With Wall Money

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I lose track, is there ANYTHING Dotard hasn’t fucked up to the nth degree?



If it shuts down I want that Trump quoteon repeat all week long. Play it all through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.


Paul Ryan: Good to the last drop.


Or something that rhymes with drop.


All of the Repubs are weenies to the corrupt Donnie.


Paul Ryan, Profile in Courage, comes through once more!


Proving what an asshat he is. He’s done that perfectly.


“Wilting under erratic and inconsistent pressure from President Trump…”

Poor Paulie Numbnuts.

Sweating like a hooker in church.


To quote the great Tom Lehrer, like a Christian Scientist with appendicitis.


We want Wall! Steel slats Wall!

Debate continues as to whether this is a 4chan racist dog-whistle, a sop to the steel industry, article dropping as is normal in Russian and other Slavic languages, or Combover Caligua pissing himself silly with the country stuck down-wind.

Personally I think it is more like demanding everyone wear underpants on the outside to prove you change them frequently AKA nucking futs.

We must rid ourselves of this plague.


Forget that, a hooker who goes into church knows what she’s doing. Ryan sweats because he has no clue what he’s doing and is constantly trying to ducktape things together


I didn’t watch but could you see the dark and curlies stuck between Ryan’s teeth? I mean, with HD broadcasting today…

Or maybe they’re gray so less discernible up against Ryan’s bleached smile.

Seriously, he had nothing to gain by sucking up today. Literally nothing. He’s got hours left in the job just like dozens of his colleagues so WTF? :angry:


He is a drip, so the drop analogy definitely works here.


Trump might might be an imbecile madman, but the GOP members of congress are despicable, Trump has spent the first half of the week being exposed in court as crook, he caved on the wall only to change his mind in when criticized on Fox & Friends, made a very questionable major military decision without consulting with the DoD or the DoS, prompting the SecOf Def. And the cowards at the senate like Lindsey Graham that was critizing him in the morning and then basted for that, now is all on board urging to approve the “boarder security” requests of the president.

And just to make me angrier, cowards like Manchin and Doug Jones are going to vote with the president, because they are afraid that they might loose their jobs six years from now.


Parenting 101:
Don’t coddle a spoiled, petulant child – a lesson that congressional Republicans have yet to learn.


Josh Marshall

… today in a congressional hearing, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told Rep. Tom Marino: “From Congress I would ask for wall. We need wall.”

This is clearly supposed to make some point. But honestly, I’m not sure what the point is. I imagine there have been private conversations in which White House advisors have told cabinet officials “I know you’ll sound dumb. But that’s the way the President wants it and that’s final. ‘We want wall. Give me wall.’”

“Gimme Wall, man, gotta have Wall. Gimme some Wall. And a fresh needle too. Okay, dirty needle then, whatevs, a dirty needle is fine too. Jes’ so long as I can mainline Wall! Shove that spike in my arm and push the plunger DOWN, motherfucker! Gotta have Wall! Gaahtta Waaahl! Gaaahta Waahl! Wow, this Wall is fuckin’ strong stuff, dude. I’m tripping, ma-a-an. Like I’m hallucinating I’m in a Gene Kelly dance number! Ga-a-ahta Waahl! Ga-a-ahta Waahl! And there’s like, like, like, brown hordes movin’ toward Wall … My god, they’re all on Wall, the sky is full of Wall! And the hordes are just movin’ toward Wall, they’re … they’re … they’re … DANCING! They’re DANCING ON WALL!!! My God, I’ve never seen nothin’ so beautiful in my life! It’s like … Wall, man. All you need is Wall, Wall is all you need … Wall you need … Wall you need … Oh, wall, dude, I think I took much wall. My eyes are walling up with tears. I just can’t handle wall this useless beauty … I Wall you, yeah, yeah, yeah … I Wall you, yeah, yeah, yeah, Wall is Wall you need. It’s my life and it’s my wife. 'Cause it makes me feel like I’m a man. Wallowin’. Walloin.


Loves to do it. Besides, he doesn’t want to anger the Wingnut Welfare Network, his future depends on that.


Shut it down then. Only 13 days until Democrats take over the House.



Cause, effect, I’m fine with it…

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