Discussion: Shutdown Anxieties Grow As Dems Mount 4th Filibuster On DHS Funding

Discussion for article #233580

Is it talk like a pirate day? Because one-eyed Harry Reid is giving these scurvy hostage takers exactly what they deserve. Take that ye dirty dogs!


Oh no! Terrorists are coming across our borders, and they’re going to get us ( or so I’ve been told).

Whatever will we do If the DHS loses funding?

Don’t republicans care about our safety? I need to stock up on duct tape and whatever else it is we need. Oh, yeah.

Moar guns.


Harry Reid is doing the right thing. If the Dems followed the GOP playbook they would not only filibuster to get an immigration free bill they would demand concessions such as an increase in the minimum wage before allowing the bill to get through.

Seriously though the filibuster needs to die. The GOP proved that you can filibuster everything effectively disabling congress and the electorate will only blame the majority party. Why would any minority party ever agree to pass legislation again? Vote to end debate and your party will blame you, filibuster and America will hate the other guy. Sooner or later the filibuster needs to die.


This is so beautiful. I love the smell of republican desperation in the morning.

Keep up the good work Democrats!


The filibuster is just fine. It stops the radicals on both sides. But understand the repubs have the market cornered on radicals.


After the vote, McConnell put standalone legislation on the calendar to overturn Obama’s immigration actions, outside the DHS funding process. He said he prefers the House bill, but that his alternative offers “another option we can turn to” if Democrats keep filibustering.

Not yet a blink, but it’s prefatory to one.


We got along okay with the filibuster for a very long time, until the Repubs hijacked it a few years ago. At some point that abuse will likely settle back down. But meanwhile this is the absolute worst time to get rid of it, when it’s helping us prevent mayhem in government.



I like the look on Harry’s face here. The man is actually snickering!!



Gotta love Karma!


Yes, where they stand is reminding the GOP to fucking govern for a change.

After the vote, McConnell put standalone legislation on the calendar to overturn Obama's immigration actions, outside the DHS funding process.

Do tell.

I’m surprised by Dems unity.

Because they sure don’t demonstrate it all that often. Good for them.


Interesting dynamics. McConnell gets to put forth legislation overturning Obama’s actions while Boehner is stuck with … nothing, and, a DHS shutdown.

Which, if Dems could (could being very much in doubt) make hay with, would leave the House GOP with egg all over their faces, while the Senate GOP can claim to be focused both on security and opposing that tyrant in the WH.

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“After the vote, McConnell put standalone legislation on the calendar to overturn Obama’s immigration actions, outside the DHS funding process.”

Now put the funding in a separate bill and it will pass with bipartisan support. And you can vote on this little stand-alone piece of drek to your hearts content.

Until then, pound sand up your ass McConnell and Boehner.


Oh, those Republicans! Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Isn’t that the definition of something? Integrity? Persistence? Dedication? Oh, that’s right. Insanity.


It’s not fine that we’ve instituted a de facto supermajority requirement for any business to move through the Senate. You won’t put the toothpaste back in the tube/move the ratchet the other direction/put the genie back in the bottle (choose you own cliche). This is how the filibuster will operate until it gets deservedly nuked and obliterated.

The country and the world need a U.S. government that works, not one so mired in procedural obstruction that all action not undertaken solely by the Executive is paralyzed

The term “radical” is reserved for people with ideas. Unusual ideas, perhaps, but ideas nonetheless.

Republicans have no radicals. They have petulant children.


Okay, there is only one intention behind the plan to shut down the DHS. Haven’t you guys seen the first Thor movie? Loki made sure to shut down Heimdall, the all-seeing and all-hearing guardian sentry of Asgard, so that he could let the frost giants into the kingdom to kill Odin and wreak havoc. The Republicans have obviously been taking notes. By shutting down the Department of Homeland Security, they are hoping that ISIS penetrates the lax security on America’s borders so they can condemn Barack Obama for failing to secure the Rainbow Bridge!

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Squirm assholes. Republicans: fucking up the US is a badge f honor.

Given the prospects for the next Senate it’s unlikely that the Republicans will kill it.