Discussion: Shooting At UNC Charlotte Leaves 2 Dead, 4 Wounded

Pity that the Founding Fathers felt that the Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness were so self - evident and inalienable that they didn’t feel the need to put them into the Bill of Rights…

They never intended to put the 2nd amendment above those.


I think this was non-ideological.

Of course a gun free zone, basically an invitation for shooting. Arm all students!!!

And we know the shooter is not a Muslim because otherwise there would be “Terrorist” in all the headlines.


… He was arrested… So he’s obviously a white Christian.

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And “revenge”.

Right to life only applies from conception to birth…


Nothing to say…not a damned thing to say.


I’m old enough to remember that I lived an entire 11 years before ever hearing or reading in the newspaper about a mass shooting in the USA, at the University of Texas.

Unfortunately, my kid and his peers heard about mass shootings in Kindergarten, and continue to hear and read about them every week.


As police led him away in handcuffs, he tilted his head back and smiled at the cameras. --CNN

Just another crazy white boy with issues and a gun.

Thank FSM, he wasn’t a terrorist or those two souls would have died for nothing.


The Good Guy with a gun was in Charlotte but he couldn’t stop Tristan cause he was having his cape laundered and lost his ticket.

It’s Morning in America

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Another mass shooting in America.

Also known as “Tuesday.”

My son goes there and luckily was no where near that. Pretty sad day for the parents of the kids killed and shot and really sad for the shooters parents!

Well lookie here. White trash terrorist, again.