Thoughts Prayers yada… yada… yada…
David Wheeler, father of victim six-year-old Ben Wheeler, challenged American parents to mobilize for stricter gun control.
60 Minutes‘s Scott Pelley interviewed the families of seven victims in the broadcast, where parents advocated for gun control and retold in heart-wrenching detail the moments they discovered their children had been murdered. I would like every parent in this country—that’s 150 million people. I would like them to look in the mirror and that’s not a figure of speech, Scott. I mean find a mirror in your house and look in it and look in your eyes and say ‘this will never happen to me, this will never happen in my school, this will never happen in my community,’ and see if you actually believe that. And if there’s a shadow, the slightest shadow of doubt in what you’ve said? Think about what you can do to change that,” Wheeler said. “It is going to happen again. It’s going to happen again. Every time, it’s somebody else’s school, it’s somebody else’s community, it’s somebody else’s town. Until one day, you wake up and it’s not.
One more thought
Weapons of war.
Very effective at killing as noted by this shooter with a fully automatic weapon and multiple clips of ammo.
Details including video:
Republicans in office and Trump as President.
How badly will this be handled?
Remember folks, guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill people.
JFC, now NBC is saying 50 dead, 200 injured.
rumored to be 64 year old white male
And as a new dawn comes, the thought of the Orange Pustule Hitler in the WH failing another leadership test…
The BBC has live coverage
BREAKING Suspect named as Stephen Paddock
Police have named the gunman as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock.
They said he was local to Las Vegas.
(the Time-of-Day appears to be local time (I’m in Denmark).)
From the Guardian
Mesquite man Stephen Paddock named
He was a loner , he was mentally unstable…no one could have predicted
If only there had been a good guy with a gun…
pick your platitude
Guns enable killers.
I’m sure the NRA is working hard at reducing the news cycle.
If only there had been a good rooftop sniper with a rifle. But it’s too early to talk about gun control, amirite NRA?
Here we go…making America great again.
Ah this explains why so many posters on Yahoo and Twitter are denying it’s Terrorism (white guy, can’t be a terrorist) and accusing Obama/Liberals/Democrats of being behind it.
Please let this asshole be a Trump Supporter
Are we going to discuss white-on-white crime now?
i dont even need to see a picture to know its a white guy ,because theres nothing but crickets from twitter boy
This trAgedY couLD hAve beeN avoiDed if sileNcerS were LeGaL.
And how country music inspires violence.