Discussion for article #221351
Quick! To the unskewing room! Where’s Ted Cruz?
What!? It its working? Well the House Republicans will try and fix this shortly with another repeal vote.
No shock at all…
No real surprise, but it changes the baseline for figuring out how many millions will remain uncovered purely because of GOP spite, and how many thousands will die as a result.
In evolution the healthier and smarter a population is, the better chance it has of survival; the sicker and more stupid a population is, the more likely it is to devolve into nothingness.
Let all the Red State morons die off, the country will be a better place for it.
One thing they forgot to mention is,
The amount of money hospitals are losing due to obamacare.
How many Doctors, Practioners, and RN’s are being laid off due to the structure of obamacare and how they pay the lazy people’s medical bills.
Also how about obama said there will be more people signing up for the exchange then the expended medicaid??? Why are they at a 10:1 ratio on signups?
For every 10 people that sign up for medicaid 1 person signs up for an exchange plan.
So 10 people are getting free insurance while 1 is paying a monthly premium??? NO wonder states are already having to drop the program, because it’s costing them too much money.
How about the states that haven’t gotten any promised money from the feds?
JUST like cash for clunkers lie obama told.
MANY dealerships went out of business for taking the buy outs and then the government didn’t pay what they promised so they ended up going out of business.
JUST like the health industry is doing now.
States took loans and used money from other funds to start their program and not one single state is in the black right now with their funds.
I worked for a project that opened up 16 call centers last Oct for the exchange, guess what… states are dropping contracts due to lack of payment from the feds and a few states have already dropped obamacare all together.
Another point is look at how many people have lost their insurance due to the new policies in place. As of the beginning of May over 6 million people lost their insurance and only 4.2 million have picked up some type of coverage from either the exchange or medicaid.
Also look at how many veterans benefits are being cut because obama has to keep “re-allocating” money from medicare, veteran benefits, and active military establishments to keep obamacare afloat right now.
So is obamacare really worth it so far???
Only for those on food stamps and welfare is it beneficial.
Us middle class it isn’t beneficial at all.
This is the exact same health care system Canada has and do you ever wonder why they have to schedule 3-5 weeks out in advance to see a doctor???
Also the states that are predominantly republican have quite a few less doctor visits per year.
Where the average democratic states and communities have many more people on welfare they also have more sickly people that visit the doctor more frequently.
So in general health republicans are much better off then democrats. So the “View_From_The_Left” US republican states can do just fine without the needed government hand outs. We work and pay our own bills and stay in good health.
Being the reason why every time a democrat gets in office the economy gets shaken up badly and takes awhile to straighten back out.
Where as when we get a real American in office the economy will become stable and we can actually start to build back as a Nation under God.
Thank you.
[quote=“kvanconant, post:7, topic:1905”]
The amount of money hospitals are losing due to obamacare.
[/quote]I can’t tell if you are trying to be funny or you are really stupid. All it took to see you really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about is to read the quote above.
Obamacare doesn’t provide care it provides insurance so more people can get care. Then there’s the savings from treating fewer people who pay nothing when they use the emergency room.
Nothing in my comment said obamacare provides care.
You failed to read the rest of my comment obviouosly.
I said the structure of obamacare… meaning more and more people are signing up for medicaid which in turns means the hospitals loose a LOT of money.
Ok i’m going to break down how this works because it seems like you are unable to read and comprend at the same time.
So a hospital sends a bill out for a patient.
Say the average procedure they did on the patient runs $50,000.00, they are not allowed to bill medicaid more then the average cost of that same procedure.
So they send medicaid a $50,000.00 bill for a patient on medicaid. Medicaid then in reply says we will pay $xxxxxx amount of dollars. (Normally about half sometimes a hair more) (example: Bill is $50,000.00 = Medicaid pays $25,000.00) In which case it is paid in full.
This is how the government works.
They pay what they want and they said it’s paid in full. The hosptial takes a hit every time. That is the reason they jack up the prices for everybody else because they have to recover their losses from Medicaid claims.
With more and more people getting on Medicaid and the hospitals are taking bigger and bigger hits they have had to lay off hosptial staff (Doctors, Practioners, and RN’s). Now do you see the problem???
Now if Medicaid wasn’t abused by the lazy who don’t want to work it wouldn’t be that bad.
Insurance claims last year were in excess of $90/billion last year.
So far America had it’s cheapest years in 2006-2007 on medicaid, just under $100/million was spent on Medicaid claims. As of Oct 2013-Feb 2014 over $550/million has been spent on Medicaid.
In the past 6 months yes more people have gotten insurance coverage due to Medicaid but at what cost?
Medicare (which is for elder people on retirement) has been cut over 2% since January. Members are looking at an additional 10%-15% out of pocket expense due to the cut in coverage.
If you have grandparents on medicare see if they have gotten their letter in the mail telling how much more they are going to have to pay out of their pockets just to get coverage. My grandparents who both are retired and worked their entire lives are now looking at higher costs due to obamacare rules.
So they are cutting retirement benefits (in which those people have paid all of their lives from their checks toward) to give more money and FREE insurance to the people who are too lazy and have sat on welfare and food stamps for the past 30 years.
While the working class paid for their food stamps and welfare NOW we are having to pay for their medical care even through they don’t care about themselves they just want everything free.
My grandparents who have worked full time jobs their entire lives want to settle down enjoy retirement and now they have to pay more for something they have paid in for, for years because obama wants to give more free stuff out.
The medicaid program has gotten a lot of people coverage but the liberal sites don’t tell what other impacts it is having on people and the economy.
The exchange program is failing miserably.
3 states have already dropped it and went back to their own ways and the states that didn’t participate like here in TN we have not been affected at all and we are doing great.
We have had our own state insurance for years to help people in need, but they make sure people are helping themselves before they step in and give them free stuff their entire lives.
So now that I have explained myself a little more do you understand why obamacare and the extended medicaid is bad for the country???
The same reason most of the politicans and people who in Canada but close to the border come to America for a day and get their medical treatment.
Because Canada had the same system obama wants and it takes them weeks to get an appointment with doctors. ER rooms you can sit there for a few days before being seen and they have a limit on each person on the universal Canadian health care.
One man in 1989 had a heart attack in Canada had to wait 4 weeks before being seen by a doctor, got multiple tests done int he next few months on his blocked arteries. Finally after 3 years he was able to get in to get a triple bypass surgery.
Canadian healthcare was implented in 1984 and the waits for doctors vists have not gotten any better.
My grandmother who is retired lives here in TN is on Medicare and a third party insurance was told 3 weeks ago she had blocked arteries and got a quadruple bypass surgery in 3 days.
Wait times have gotten worse over the past months and they will continue to get worse the more free hand outs obama does.
You’ve embarrassed yourself even further.
How have I embarressed myself? By showing the brainwashed liberals how bad obama is screwing America up?
Your responses that have absolutly no information about the on going issues shows much liberals like your self know.
Liberals are band wagon followers that listen to obama’s speaches and think everything is perfectly fine and working great.
Try telling that to the 6 million people that have lost their insurance who have families, or the states that have dipped into other funds to fund obamacare in their state and now they are struggling for money because obama lied on the payment processes on how the feds were going to pay the states back.
Try to actually have some type of educational thought in your next response. You are making liberals look much worse then they already are.
Well new news that just came in…
Nevada is shutting down their medicaid expansion because it’s costing them too much money.
Also Texas is having issues with the federal side of their Medicaid and now they are seeing about going back to 100% state funded insurance like they were before obamacare was forced into place.
Sucks for you liberals, South Carolina, Mass, Texas, and Nevada are going back to how they were before obamacare.
It’s a matter of time before states shut down obamacare because it’s costing them too much money and running the states broke.