Discussion: Sheriff: School Officer Never Went Inside To Confront Gunman

…when danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.


Told you the school was not a gun free zone.


Private shin splints Trump would have dropped his golf clubs and ran away as well.

Can you imagine a chicken shit draft dodger like Trump saying teachers need to carry lethal weapons and become Rambo if a school comes under attach.

Then we have another chicken shit at the NRA Wayne the draft dodger Lapierre expecting teachers to shoot to kill. If teachers wanted to shoot to kill they wouldn’t be teachers!

It’s pretty clear: the 10% morons in this country are endangering our children!

Kill the NRA!


There’s your “good guy with a gun.” Can we bury that talking point, now?


I don’t think Trump runs anywhere except off at the mouth.

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Well, sure, an armed officer whose job it was to provide school security and protect the students didn’t even enter the building to assess the situation but a 24-year-old 10th grade home ec teacher with a Glock in the waistband of her skirt could have neutralized the situation.

The entire argument for arming 20+% of any school’s staff just gets my blood boiling!


Looks like the NRA has found their scapegoat


You know in the era of Trump, they are all finger pointers and blamers. I wonder if this Sheriff would run into a building where someone is using a machine gun.


What I want to know is whether she pauses to put on a flak jacket or not.


Shooter is reported to have expended 150 high speed rounds in just over 5 minutes, that is one shot ever 2 seconds. Resource officer is maybe carrying 24 pistol rounds. He would have known he was out gunned. A confrontation would have been very high risk. Although trained and liberally authorized to use deadly force the deputy didn’t have what it took. Now imagine your average school teacher with a gun…


So much for armed security being the solution.


Yes. I assume this officer only had a handgun and he would be facing an assailant (or assailants…) with semi-automatic weapons. The shooter or shooters might be wearing body armor: which the school resource armor probably is not. He hears shots fires but probably doesn’t know the exact location, so there is an excellent change that he might simply run into a hail of bullets. This guy might be no hero but it is hard to simply call him a coward.


But the Sheriff made a point of hewing to the NRA sanctioned line during his comments the night of the massacre, nodding towards Governor Rick Scott as he refrained from blaming the easy availability of assault weapons.

Yeah, realistically, I don’t see how arming the teachers is going to help. This deputy presumably had police training but he was not combat hardened enough to deal with the situation adequately. I just don’t see how you’ll going to be able to instill the necessary skills and discipline to effectively combat someone with an AR-15 instead of making matters worse.


In addition to suggesting a movie ratings system*, Cadet Bone Spurs today revealed his revolutionary redesign to ensure America’s schools are safe.

“I’m a builder. I know how to build things. Very classy things,” he said. “People love my buildings.”

*Actual quote: “You see these movies, they’re so violent. And yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn’t involved, but killing is involved. And maybe they have to put a rating system for that."
— Comrade Cockholster, during his White(s Only) House “listening session” with survivors of school massacres.

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I agree that arming teachers and school staff is not only ludicrous but also highly dangerous. I have been working in schools for 22 years and any school’s coaching or IT staff will tell you that it is impossible to completely secure things in a school. That said, I think many teachers I have known, were they armed, would be far more likely to confront a shooter than the deputy was because they think of the students first and not themselves. In fact I know an assistant principal who, along with another administrator, physically confronted an armed teen and tied him up long enough for help to arrive. She was seriously wounded and the other administrator died but no students were injured. And she always maintained that she would do it again.


Let me get this right in my mind.
When some lunatic enters a school on a suicide mission with military weapon power and unlimited rounds, depending on how many 30 rounds clips he brought with him, starts the chaos ball rolling, A number of the teachers are supposed to flip there trained switch and go into commando mode to hunt the lunatic down and kill him.
The battlefield layout is hallways and rooms. The shooter owns the hallway and the commando teachers have to get out of the room into the hallway while all the kids are in panic mode running around looking for a way out or a place to hide.
The shooter, knowing the teachers are armed with a pistol, become the primary targets. Sooner or later the teacher has to show him or herself. Step into the shooters owned hallway.
The shooter doesn’t care about who takes a bullet but the commando teacher has to somehow get out of the room and find that one target and shoot without creating a friendly fire accident with all the chaos going on while hearing rapid fire and screaming kids.
This doesn’t work out well in my mind, maybe hoping for a lucky shot will help but all in all I think even with armed teachers, the advantage is still the lunatics unless they are unable to buy the weapon of choice, The AR-15.
One of many that the civilian population has really no need for unless you are a lunatic.
Just my opinion.